Got my P3A in today. quick question

Feb 24, 2016
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Once I got all the firmware update I took her out for a quick spin in beginner mode. I recorded some video and snapped a few picture. I see the video on the Nvidia Sheild and can watch it in what seems like edit mode. There is a "save" button at the bottom of that screen, which I tapped. Then I popped out the SD card and stuck it in the computer and NONE of the video files were on there.

What rookie mistake did I make?
In my defense, I didn't have a ton a time to fool with it before I had to run out the door for a meeting. Outside that. I have no excuses.

Either you didn't place the DJI GO app into video record mode, but rather left it in photo mode...


You didn't have an SD card fully inserted in the Phantom.


You hit the FORMAT button which formatted your sd card and deleted all data.

Also... no need to save to phone if you already have the video cached option select. Saving to phone is only cause you wish to share it on a social network with others. Your high quality video is on your Phantom's SD card.

If none of the above makes sense then my suggestion is go to the DJI site and watch some tutorial videos, or on YouTube and watch the hundreds of helpful videos. Normally I'd also say read the manual but DJI manuals for the Phantom 3 are not that great.

Good luck!
Can't see much wrong from your brief description there. Can you see your photos there? Are the video files the only missing files while the photos are present? Assuming you did press the red record button while you were in video mode to start recording.

Other than that, we will have to wait till you finish your meeting and come home to conduct more of your own investigation first.
So the videos are in the library in the dji go app. And below the 4 videos I took it says the following:

1. Connect your aircraft to import the video
2. Select clips to share.

And just double checked. Nothing on so card but the firmware update I did earlier.
And 99.999% certain the card was fully inserted into gimbal. Don't know why the vids are on the k1 and not the micro card. Anyone know?
If you started the video recording it should be on the sd card.
When you start recording the round Red button on the app turns to a square.
Make sure you stop recording before you power of drone battery.

The K1 stores a low res. copy of the down link feed by default. But can be switched off.
No telling how I jacked it up. The good part. I can try it all again tomorrow.
You also need to turn the P3 off before you remove the SD card. If you did not do this, put the card back in, turn the P3 on and then off. Remove card.
You also need to turn the P3 off before you remove the SD card. If you did not do this, put the card back in, turn the P3 on and then off. Remove card.
These are chances that your data on SD card gets corrupted if you take it out when P3 is ON. In such a case you need to reformat the card.
Make sure you start and stop the recording before you turn the P3 off.

When I first got my P3 I made this mistake often.

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