Global Warming? Naw, Wyoming is blessed

You're flying kinda low over all those peoples, ain't ya? :eek:
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It sure would be fun to walk around there with a big fat wallet sewn into a back pocket. Except it wouldn't be a wallet, it would be a stun gun that went off whenever someone tried to push it up out of your pocket... :p
We have SNOW in the forecast. :(:(
We have SNOW in the forecast. :(:(
Right now we have moon shine out
Ya Got Em Good.gif
Well with plenty of vitamins (read Vicodin), I am getting around slowly. I'm not sure why I let the wife talk me into staying in Times Square, it's a freaking zoo as always!

I was just there last weekend... weather was much better for me it sounds like....

watch out for the painted ladies but its probably to cold for them today it looks like...
:eek: It's freaking SNOWING :(
I will when I get to that hot tub inabit.

Gonna need a hat to keep the snow off me head though.

George's Hat.jpg
George said I could use his.
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All that green.......All I have is stick trees and cold.....
Oh, that's right. I almost forgot, it is cold Michigan with quad eating trees....
We really did have a nice Saturday.....
Our trees still look like that too... :(
All three times I have been in New York city I wish I would have had a guide. It is a total zoo unless you live there. Two years after 911, a person I was talking to while we were looking at ground zero, stated if you live there the only time you get your car out is to leave the City. You live there, you don't drive there.
Wow! We had an "event" here.
For all the California people that are just waiting for the big one, we had one here in Michigan! Saturday, 12:30 Pm we had a 4.2 earthquake in lower Michigan! First one in about 20 years. Reports so far it was felt well over 80 miles away. Something to do with the ground here. The good thing here is the state will not fall into Lake Michigan.:rolleyes:
Wow! We had an "event" here.
For all the California people that are just waiting for the big one, we had one here in Michigan! Saturday, 12:30 Pm we had a 4.2 earthquake in lower Michigan! First one in about 20 years. Reports so far it was felt well over 80 miles away. Something to do with the ground here. The good thing here is the state will not fall into Lake Michigan.:rolleyes:
Ya... it's frozen ;)
Wow! We had an "event" here.
For all the California people that are just waiting for the big one, we had one here in Michigan! Saturday, 12:30 Pm we had a 4.2 earthquake in lower Michigan! First one in about 20 years. Reports so far it was felt well over 80 miles away. Something to do with the ground here. The good thing here is the state will not fall into Lake Michigan.:rolleyes:

Yeah... one of those fracking earthquakes...

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It was the winter of 2013-14 that was so bad 95+% was froze over. Not this past winter.
I don't know if they do any fracking here. I sure have seen on the news that Oklahoma has had a massive increase in quakes that some are blaming on fracking.
Anyone have a 40 foot long stick? Syma stuck on a tree limb, again.......
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It was the winter of 2013-14 that was so bad 95+% was froze over. Not this past winter.
I don't know if they do any fracking here. I sure have seen on the news that Oklahoma has had a massive increase in quakes that some are blaming on fracking.
Anyone have a 40 foot long stick? Syma stuck on a tree limb, again.......
Well at least ya ain't got no leaves and can see it ! :)
Well at least ya ain't got no leaves and can see it ! :)
Oh, you got that right. Just ticks me off it is right there and I can not reach it. 20 foot ladder and a 15 foot pole saw and still can not reach it. Blast.

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