Gimbal twitch when shutter activates

From what it looks like the twitch happens after the image has already been taken, so it's not actually affecting anything in a negative way. By the time you can take another picture, it's already recovered.
I have no way of knowing exactly when it's happening.
Yes we do, or can reasonably infer it. First, the motion is almost certainly generated when the shutter comes to a sudden stop at the end of exposure, not the beginning, that's just the way shutters work (the mirror lock feature on an SLR is to elimate motion imparted by the relatively heavy mirror, not the shutter.) Also any camera-induced motion blur would be pronounced at low shutter speeds (and easy to test for) and since no one seems to be seeing any then it probably isn't there. Again, cameras have been doing this for ages, it's absolutely nothing new. Also, you may not personally be aware of the reasons for using a mechanical shutter on an electronic image sensor but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Google and ye shall find, just one reference of many: Why Digital Cameras Have Mechanical Shutters - Steve's Digicams

Basically, this just isn't a problem.
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Was this ever resolved? I never noticed it until today when I tried a hyperlapse and it's absolutely impossible because of of the constant gimbal twitching.
Slow down camera shutters speeds in the manual settings and see if that affects the intensity of the twitch. You can go all the way out 8 second exposures I believe.

Good point, good test, snapshots at 2 and 4 seconds and each time the twitch came at the end of the cycle, aka shutter closing or recoiling to the ready. Either way, it does appear to be the result of a mechanical movement.
2nd test at 8 and same result, but the good news is, it didn't blur the image.

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If this bug is the result of mechanical shutter, you can disable it (R/C Camera Menu) in order to solve the problem.

I will test this on my own P4p this weekend.

Nice flights!

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
I didn't notice that option. Will give that a try today.

What's the photo quality difference between mechanical and simulated shutter?
It's more a matter of physics than a bug (mechanical shutters always have some intertia, and the ultralight camera body doesn't help) so I don't know that it can be fixed. It shouldn't be a factor for most applications but for those where it might be you can disable the mechanical shutter. It won't make a difference on stationary subjects, but may when motion is involved.

Why Digital Cameras Have Mechanical Shutters - Steve's Digicams
It feels like software to me, not hardware. But still related to mechanical shutter possibly. It feels as if gimbal freezes to take pic, then after shutter closes, gimbal twitches to regain "proper" position.
It feels like software to me, not hardware. But still related to mechanical shutter possibly. It feels as if gimbal freezes to take pic, then after shutter closes, gimbal twitches to regain "proper" position.

Agree 100%. And since you mentioned that, I think there's actually a "lock gimbal on shot" setting that I remember seeing. Maybe I can try to find it and disable.
It's simple: Disable mechanical shutter in DJI GO app.

The inertia that the curtain generates when it close, it's enough to twitch, move and umbalance the camera. And it's worst at lower shutter speeds.

It's not a bug, it's the dark side of a mechanical shutter (shutter shock is an eternal issue on DSLR cameras).

I use always electronic shutter to prevent this (I don't care distortion in objects moving because I take pictures on static objects).

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Hi everyone. I agree the gimbal twitch isn't a problem with the mechanical shutter. On short-time exposures the gimbal twitches after the picture is taken and we have all the advantages of the mechanical shutter. On longer exposures the mechanical shutter is useless and we can disable it using the electronic rolling shutter. Right?
But, I noticed a strange behaviour of the mechanical shutter on long shutter times. Ok, it's useless in this scenario, but this behaviour drove me to think there are serious problems in the shutter management software. The shutter activates (I ear the "clicks") in middle of the exposure for no reason while I was expecting to ear the first open "click" at the beginning of the exposition and a second close "click" at the end. I created the following video and sent to DJI support more than one month ago, but still no response.

Moreover, if you look at the slow motion, it seems the gimbal twitches twice. Could be the second movement such a "recover" movement? Could it be the inertia from the movement of the two curtains? What are they doing in the middle of the exposure? Close and then open? :/ The taken pictures seems to have the correct (long) exposition.
In these other videos instead you can see the iris is working (open/close as requested) well.

Dropbox - Support

Do your P4Ps have the same behaviour?

Sorry for my english, hoping it's not so bad! :)

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