Garmin GLO - $99

Jun 23, 2015
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Anyone used the Garmin GLO GPS? It gets both GPS and GLONASS. That part I like and for $99 it looks to be a pretty good deal.
I just got my Garmin Glo a couple of days ago and had the chance to test it yesterday and was very disappointed. I am using an iPad mini 3 wifi only model updated to iOS 9.0.2 with a P3P with the latest 1.4 firmware.
When I was testing the whole setup with the Garmin Glo at home (without flying) I noticed that the DJI Pilot App would get sluggish and freeze every now and then and the video feed would break up into cubes and sometimes go away and the screen would go blank and the status bar would give a "disconnected" message. I thought that this was because of my proximity to the wifi router at home and next I headed to the field to test follow me mode and setting the home point to my location. Follow me mode worked perfectly and I was able to set the home point to my current location but the app was freezing and the video feed was getting broken again same as it was doing at home. I turned off bluetooth on the iPad and the problem was gone, everything worked perfectly again!
I gave it a lot of thought and I believe it is not that the bluetooth transmission that is affecting the lightbridge link between the transmitter and aircraft since its power is negligible. Apparently the iPad is using a lot of resources in order to process the external GPS data string causing the Pilot App to hang!
Has anybody had a similar experience with the Garmin Glo?
Any solutions/suggestions?
I purchased 3 weeks ago, on sale with free shipping for $80 at cabelas. Have not used since the the iOS 9 upgrade, but 8.4.1 worked awesome. Ipad2mini.
When you
I purchased 3 weeks ago, on sale with free shipping for $80 at cabelas. Have not used since the the iOS 9 upgrade, but 8.4.1 worked awesome. Ipad2mini.
When you get the chance to test it on ios 9, please feed me back with the results.
Probably a stupid question (but I'll as anyway). What do you need this for?
For the follow me function and to be able to set the home point to your current location. This last option is very important for me especially when we are out at sea fishing tuna, I use the P3 to search for tuna frenzy. The initial home point is never the same cause the boat is moving. In the end I just set the home point to my current location and tell it to go home.
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For the follow me function and to be able to set the home point to your current location. This last option is very important for me especially when we are out at sea fishing tuna, I use the P3 to search for tuna frenzy. The initial home point is never the same cause the boat is moving. In the end I just set the home point to my current location and tell it to go home.
Thanks. I continue to be amazed by the P3. Incredible piece of equipment.

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