For everyone who has done the Firmware 3.1 upgrade...

Love the new take-off.

Double green blink means sticks not centred, single green is when centred (I.E. when hovering).

Warmup is way faster.

Throttle seems a lot more responsive and controllable.

With a gimbal attached I was struggling to manually hover, but now it's sweet as a nut.
Just done the upgrade and I will be test flying later this afternoon.

I can't find a list of the new LED light sequences anywhere online. Anyone got any ideas?


denodan said:
One big feature that no one has mentioned, seems now when your Phantom battery gets low the Phantom beeps, so no need for timers.

Why no one has mentioned this is beyond me, and to me is the biggest key feature of this update.

In that YouTube video, the beeping you hear is a mod that the user has done... He states this in the comments. You'll notice when he lands that the lights are not blinking red indicating a low battery.

But... Knowing that the Phantom has the capacity to make noise. It seems like something that could be integrated into the firmware.... I would love if it beeped when on low batt.. Until then I set a timer on my phone that buzzes when it's time to come back home. I always stay close enough to see the LED during last few minutes of flight.
Mr. Lucid said:
denodan said:
One big feature that no one has mentioned, seems now when your Phantom battery gets low the Phantom beeps, so no need for timers.

Why no one has mentioned this is beyond me, and to me is the biggest key feature of this update.

In that YouTube video, the beeping you hear is a mod that the user has done... He states this in the comments. You'll notice when he lands that the lights are not blinking red indicating a low battery.

But... Knowing that the Phantom has the capacity to make noise. It seems like something that could be integrated into the firmware.... I would love if it beeped when on low batt.. Until then I set a timer on my phone that buzzes when it's time to come back home. I always stay close enough to see the LED during last few minutes of flight.
Well mine was making that same beep on USB and battery was low, and I have no mods, so how come my one did the same? beeping when connected to USB? flies fine with the new firmware.
I don't particularly like the new throttle setup, but I guess you have to go with the flow. People don't have any choice but to upgrade. I must have gotten a good phantom to start with because I don't notice any improvement in flight. Mine was great from the start. Thanks to Dennis for posting the video on led sequence,helps newbies from getting confused by old videos. DJI is not the best for communications or this new change for the phantom would have been on their website with explainations. But thats dji. If new pilots don't understand what's going to happen when that throttle reaches 50% there maybe a few wrecks. Don't understand why they did it,I guess some like it . time will tell By the way, mine doesn't beep when battery is low either so don't wait for it. The only thing that beeps on mine is esc firing up.
My replacement Phantom, this time is a good one. No problems, and no nuts coming lose. don't like how you get 50% and seems only then do you have full power, like it comes on almost suddenly. before 50% gentle and lack of response, then 50% lots of power.
denodan said:
My replacement Phantom, this time is a good one. No problems, and no nuts coming lose. don't like how you get 50% and seems only then do you have full power, like it comes on almost suddenly. before 50% gentle and lack of response, then 50% lots of power.
Hi Dennis,
Glad to hear you finally got a good one. Mine was good from the start so I guess I was lucky. I don't lke the new throttle setup, I think it's going to cause problems, but I guess some people like it. Easy enough to get use to, but why be different ? That's dji. I don't see a lot of improvement in flight or stability, but maybe people were having trouble with theirs and the new software fixed it ? Glad to hear you're flying again, I have flown nearly everyday since I got mine. Handles wind like a dream, Landing it as close as 1 - 2 feet away is a gimme., great machine ! Happy flying my friend, Gary
Wow! This is all very exciting. I can't wait to get home and do the upgrade. I'm a little concerned with the throttle that everyone keeps talking about. I guess I'll find out tonight. LOL!!!
Just did mine along with a stick cal, advanced IMU cal, took note of all gains and checked switches. Preflighted a compass cal. The spool up isn't anything to write home about. I like the feel of taking off myself, thank you. I did notice more stable flight in GPS, but hands free hovering in a breeze seemed even a little more jerky than before. Seems better in some respects, but I'm not on board with all the woohoo's and yippeeees out there.
I think the new throttle up is a good thing and merely takes some getting used to.
Helps prevent the tendency for Phantoms to tip over on take-off (especially front heavy ones like mine, with a gimbal)

the new double blink gave me concern untilI found it was harmless.
and the new 20x green blink indicating home location being set is sweet.

I'd say mine flies a bit smoother, especially on descents.
and seems to hold a hover a bit better as well.
no complaints here really

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