Flying above 400ft is a little scary and pointless

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No, your right. I went back and re read the thread. I think I was thinking bout a different thread when I responded. Absolutely flying over a populated area a pilot flying that low (if in fact at 500 feet) is being a danger. My comments are more directed at folks like stulpin300m who insists he has common sense, that the 400 ft limit is not a law and that it's ok for him to fly higher. Sorry about the confusion.

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No, your right. I went back and re read the thread. I think I was thinking bout a different thread when I responded. Absolutely flying over a populated area a pilot flying that low (if in fact at 500 feet) is being a danger. My comments are more directed at folks like stulpin300m who insists he has common sense, that the 400 ft limit is not a law and that it's ok for him to fly higher. Sorry about the confusion.
No problem. I think we agree on both points.
It leaves you with 100 feet separation..

Well....supposed to.....
Manual +-100ft altitude hold in IFR weather where you life can depend on it takes practice and concentration. You can't get your IFR ticket unless you nail it within +- 50 ft.....But non IFR pilots joy ridin in VFR....forgetabout it
Planes flying around in VFR can climb and descend 100ft in a few seconds...and often do.
The climb rate on a Cessna 152 might be sluggish, but they can descend REAL fast.

I would'nt trust that 100ft separation thingy too much. Just sayin.
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Well....supposed to.....
Manual +-100ft altitude hold in IFR weather where you life can depend on it takes practice and concentration. You can't get your IFR ticket unless you nail it within +- 50 ft.....But non IFR pilots joy ridin in VFR....forgetabout it
Planes flying around in VFR can climb and descend 100ft in a few seconds...and often do.
The climb rate on a Cessna 152 might be sluggish, but they can descend REAL fast.

I would'nt trust that 100ft separation thingy too much. Just sayin.
I was just giving an example. Theoretically you have 100 foot separation. But the best bet is to maintain visual line of sight and under 400 feet.
I was just giving an example. Theoretically you have 100 foot separation. But the best bet is to maintain visual line of sight and under 400 feet.

I know. I was just throwin that out for some of the newbies that might think that 100ft was set in stone
I skydive. Not quite the same as pilot but pulling the chute implies many tactics that are literally imprinted into you so muscle memory kicks in. An untrained person wouldn't know which direction to turn hard in event of an imminent collision, for example.

Common sense and a mature community is how skydivers make sure their sport is not destroyed by bad press. Accidents in the air are typically fatalities. We all need to respect that. We are pedestrians where they never have been before. It's strange for the drivers.

Many back yard flights *its* hardly necessary but before firing up the modified P3 controller for the 8.4 mile FPV ride, consider who might get hurt. I promise every pilot/skydiver does just that multiple times, every time in the sky.

Blue skies!

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Exactly... So if the pilot is "drawn" to fly under 500 feet over a populated area he is more of a danger than the guy flying at P3 at 400'.. My point being that a plane should not be flying closer to the ground over a populated area because the pilot "wants to..."

Some accountibility for the pilot as well maybe.

None of which would be done over a populated area..

I agree, people really need to be careful and respectful of the rules. I can see no reason to fly higher than recommended limit. Others may though. There are ways to express opinions where people will respect the message.

There are also a bunch of judgmental, self-righteous pilots that think they are the Emperors of the skies...
Since when do certain people own the air and the air space above you? I fly respectfully because I don't want anyone to get hurt but how the [H](EXPLETIVE DELETED)[/H] can someone tell u not to do something in the **** air?? Who the hell sold them the air space?? I pay taxes just as they do what gives them more rights then me ?? Not trying to sound like a idiot but who are they to not share air space with us ??? The **** government has this country all screwed up.

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Since when do certain people own the air and the air space above you? I fly respectfully because I don't want anyone to get hurt but how the [H](EXPLETIVE DELETED)[/H] can someone tell u not to do something in the **** air?? Who the hell sold them the air space?? I pay taxes just as they do what gives them more rights then me ?? Not trying to sound like a idiot but who are they to not share air space with us ??? The **** government has this country all screwed up.

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You'll need to clean up your language if you plan on contributing on this forum. This is a mild warning. Please react to it appropriately...
Wasn't aware we couldn't swear on here. Apologies

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They are trying to safely share the airspace. That's why you get from ground level to 400 feet AGL. The rest is allocated to other uses. It's called sharing. I'm guessing you never learned that life skill.

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In America we call those Military Operating Areas (MOAs) and they have to follow the same rules over the populated areas. Which isn't 100ft at 650 mph. I'm calling that one a big steamy pile of bull ****.
yeah I almost commented about that but I dont think I had created my account yet. If a jet flew 100 feet above at near mach 1 you would probably think there was an earthquake going down. That being said, I used to live near Luke Airforce base (near Phoenix), and they can be pretty **** loud.

I worry about losing the possibility to use this amazing camera platform as intended, being very new to this hobby i came on this forum for the information and knowledge needed which it gave in abundance, i cringed somewhat on seeing images of phantoms punched up through cloud base along with the mental vision of some guy peering at a tablet or smart phone way below,
Initially i decided better not to comment but it occurred to me they had not informed themselves which other aircraft shared the same airspace both low and high altitude, maybe they have no interest but will be the first to complain when the freedom to use this amazing camera prospective is gone.
I enjoy trolling idiots that do unsafe things with thier uav's that they werent built for :D.

A lot of the times its actually quite scary the stupidity of some of the people flying... Which becomes more apparent when they try to "argue" with you.

edit: High altitude alone doesnt get my trolling, there are too many out there lol. Its when they are REALLY stupid.
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why because YOU say so?

i didn't spend > $1600 so i could buzz around in my back yard.
i had a $50 toy QC that did that just fine.
i purchased this so i could fly high-ish and far away.
that is why it has GPS that is why it has the range that it does.
not so you can fly 50 feet up in your back yard.
Exactly... So if the pilot is "drawn" to fly under 500 feet over a populated area he is more of a danger than the guy flying at P3 at 400'.. My point being that a plane should not be flying closer to the ground over a populated area because the pilot "wants to..."

Some accountibility for the pilot as well maybe.

None of which would be done over a populated area..

I agree, people really need to be careful and respectful of the rules. I can see no reason to fly higher than recommended limit. Others may though. There are ways to express opinions where people will respect the message.

There are also a bunch of judgmental, self-righteous pilots that think they are the Emperors of the skies...
So riddle me this...

I live near coastal area in California. I often fly out above ocean.

Say I take off from a hill that's 650 ASL, fly my quad at 150 feet AGL and kept at that altitude and head toward the ocan.

By the time i get to ocean, wouldn't I be 800 feet AGL/ ASL?

Is that a violation? And how many people does it? Is ignorant or limitation of equipment an execuse? Should all pilot map out their routes, check topo map, input waypoints and relative heights to stay in compliance?

Curious to hear your thoughts on this.
Many back yard flights are hardly necessary

I can assure you that none of my flights are necessary. I can't think of a single reason why any of my flights from any where are "necessary". I will be willing to bet so is 99% of the flights including people doing aerial photography.

I also find tobacco, alcohol consumption unnecessary as well. I have yet to hear a valid necessity for them.

Is "doing it for fun" a necessity?

Is drone ownership a necessity?

Unless i mistaken your meaning for "necessary".
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