Flyaways - help

Jul 13, 2014
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Im new to this forum. Just bought myself a dji fc 40 :D . And im looking forward to try it and learn how to fly it. After reading several reviews on amazon and other forums i feel concerned about flyaways. Many people loses their brand new Phantoms. When im getting my new phantom i will update firmware and calibrate the imu, compasses etc. As far as i'm concerned is - how often does flyaways appear? I do know people tend to just fly their phantom straight up in the air with lack of skills and orientation. Im soon going to go on vacation, and thought i will bring my phantom with me. Although how does the compass etc react to a place with a lot of mountain landscape? Would you recommend flying it their? Or will the radio get interferred etc? Any suggestions for preventing flyaways?

Im just wondering, i do want to be careful with my upcomming phantom.

Thank you for the help in advance!

Chillout :mrgreen:
Easiest solution - read all the manuals, get familiar with all the functions and don't take risks until you're familiar with it. Keep it nearby until you gain confidence and the BIGGEST thing to remember - don't get distracted or skip ANY procedures to show to friends. The most common fly away stories begin with - "I was showing some mates..."
Easiest solution - read all the manuals, get familiar with all the functions and don't take risks until you're familiar with it. Keep it nearby until you gain confidence and the BIGGEST thing to remember - don't get distracted or skip ANY procedures to show to friends. The most common fly away stories begin with - "I was showing some mates..."
Thank you for the tips.

Yeah i will do so. Going to spend a lot of time learning to fly it in manual mode aswell. But how does the compass, radio, gps etc reacts to a mountain landscape? Will the compass get interfered due to the EMI from the "mountain environment"?
Theres no reason a mountainous area will have any effect providing the hills aren't full of iron ore!
When you set it up make sure to turn on the autoland capability so that it climbs and returns rather than just lands where it is.
Also set the lowest position to failsafe not manual. To be honest I wouldn't bother learning to fly in manual just yet.
One thing you dont want to try doing right off the bat is fly in manual mode thats some thing more for expert level and even then it takes some skill just to keep it in the air in manual mode.

One good thing to prevent flyaway s is to allays make sure your s1 and s2 switches aren't failing. which is some thing that they can some times tend to do even when they are sort of new.

also any time if you are flying and its started acting weird or not flying right bring it in and land it asap.

here are some tips that are helful to.
lostkiwi said:
Theres no reason a mountainous area will have any effect providing the hills aren't full of iron ore!
When you set it up make sure to turn on the autoland capability so that it climbs and returns rather than just lands where it is.
Also set the lowest position to failsafe not manual. To be honest I wouldn't bother learning to fly in manual just yet.

Ok, i guess its ok then. Thank you for the tip/help :)
J.James said:
One thing you dont want to try doing right off the bat is fly in manual mode thats some thing more for expert level and even then it takes some skill just to keep it in the air in manual mode.

One good thing to prevent flyaway s is to allays make sure your s1 and s2 switches aren't failing. which is some thing that they can some times tend to do even when they are sort of new.

also any time if you are flying and its started acting weird or not flying right bring it in and land it asap.

here are some tips that are helful to.

Yeah, I'm flying in gps mode now. I´ve heard about the s1 and s2 switch and I'm aware. Thank you for the tip! ;)

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