Flight data

Oct 2, 2017
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I am a new flyer as I just purchased my first quad, the Phantom 3 Standard last Sunday.

I have taken it out 3 times so far and flies really nice and easy. I am having fun with it and will probably go out here in a bit fly some more.

The question is in regards to the flight data. The first day I bought it, I was testing everything and making sure it all worked before taking it out. So I had many flight data files stored on my phone. I took it it out and I had data for the two flights that I did. Last Monday, I went out and put in a couple more flights. But I only have data for one of the flights. And when I went out on Wednesday, I had two more flights but no data was recorded.

So is there something in the software that has to be turned on to record the flight data? Or a certain procedure that needs to be done when turning on the quad prior to flight?
is there something in the software that has to be turned on to record the flight data?

A DAT flight log should always be created and stored on the Phantom's internal memory card. When flying with DJI GO, a separate TXT flight log should be created on your mobile device.
Yes, I know how to retrieve the .txt files from the phone. The issue is that they are not being created on every flight.
Which phone are you using?
Restart your phone and then check for the missing TXT flight logs.
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If that happens again and you don't want to restart your phone, you can run an app like SD Refresh.
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