first time maybe my last

For me on my P3S when I hand catch, I hold the left stick straight down to shut the motors off, not down and to the right. Don't know if it is any different on a P4 but it works perfectly on my Standard.
not sure how it works on a P3S . but the motor shut down on the P4 is down and to the right .
With Litchi on my Standard I can plan my waypoint missions on my computer or on my phone without being connected to the AC, not sure if you can do this with GO on a P4 but I know it cannot be done with GO on a Standard. I would have to fly to the waypoints first before planning a mission which to me makes no sense at all - why even have waypoint missions on GO if you have to fly the route first???
From what I have read, the flight must be flown first in the GO app due to you accepting responsibility for the WP mission as opposed to randomly doing it in Litchi and smacking into either an object or person. Many threads on here where people have done just that and blaming Litchi for the **** up.
I hand catch my P4 all the time in both GO and Litchi fpv, not sure if it makes a difference, but I hold the left stick straight down (and not to the right) and no problems. Once the drone thinks it has stopped descending, i.e. you're holding it nice and stable, it will shut down. Don't think the app has anything to do with it as you are communicating directly to the drone from your RC.

well it turns out I've been down and right since day one , so just went and looked it up in the manual and it's straight down . guess i've been lucky all this time . that may have been why the motors did not shut down this time . darn 67 Times with out issue and now i see i'm doing it wrong
Yes I was a bit curious about your method. Page 53 of the manual describes the two methods in which to do a manual shut down. You can only use the left stick straight down when hand catching unless you have fingers like ET and can do a standard CSC.
From what I have read, the flight must be flown first in the GO app due to you accepting responsibility for the WP mission as opposed to randomly doing it in Litchi and smacking into either an object or person. Many threads on here where people have done just that and blaming Litchi for the **** up.
Exactly why I want to learn Litchi before just jumping in . It's only been 3 days since uploading litchi and just 2 flights. I'll keep posting my experiences and before long I'm sure I'll be praising Litchi like most others here .
well it would not shut down for me . i held the drone and went through the motor shut down left stick down and right , held it there the motors slowed down but would not shut off . i had to go back to hover and land on the ground . maybe it's different for a P4. I to prefer to hand catch and hate having to land on the ground . it's so mush easier to hand catch and much less stress on the bird . I wish i had your experience with Litchi mine has not been so smooth . 2 flights with Litchi and both times something did not do what it should have . will keep trying till it's right or will drop it . only time will tell
It's not left stick down and to the right. It is just left stick down. Either way this is not something any app controls,it's in the firmware. You can launch, fly and land without any tablet or phone at all.
Exactly why I want to learn Litchi before just jumping in . It's only been 3 days since uploading litchi and just 2 flights. I'll keep posting my experiences and before long I'm sure I'll be praising Litchi like most others here .
Steady, steady, keep asking questions and you will find that the experience with Litchi will be a good one. I've grown tired of reading threads trashing apps like Litchi where it is obvious a bit more patience, practice and asking before hand, would have solved many of the 'flyaways', uncontrolled landings, signal disconnects etc. any issues I've had with either the GO app or Litchi were entirely my fault.
With Litchi on my Standard I can plan my waypoint missions on my computer or on my phone without being connected to the AC, not sure if you can do this with GO on a P4 but I know it cannot be done with GO on a Standard. I would have to fly to the waypoints first before planning a mission which to me makes no sense at all - why even have waypoint missions on GO if you have to fly the route first???
You can use DJIs Ground Station Pro to plan missions before you fly. It's an app for iOS only.
From what I have read, the flight must be flown first in the GO app due to you accepting responsibility for the WP mission as opposed to randomly doing it in Litchi and smacking into either an object or person. Many threads on here where people have done just that and blaming Litchi for the **** up.
You can use DJIs Ground Station Pro to preplan missions and upload them. Similar to Litchi. It's in the app store.
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not sure how it works on a P3S . but the motor shut down on the P4 is down and to the right .
Nope. Maybe this is why you are having problems with Litchi? You are not familiar enough with the Phantom itself?
Nope. Maybe this is why you are having problems with Litchi? You are not familiar enough with the Phantom itself?View attachment 83110
Correct . i found out i was doing it wrong for 67 flights . though never an issue in shutting motors down i will be sure in the future to go stick down ! this must have been what happened last night . can't believe it worked the way i was doing it for so long .Guess i'm lucky
Steady, steady, keep asking questions and you will find that the experience with Litchi will be a good one. I've grown tired of reading threads trashing apps like Litchi where it is obvious a bit more patience, practice and asking before hand, would have solved many of the 'flyaways', uncontrolled landings, signal disconnects etc. any issues I've had with either the GO app or Litchi were entirely my fault.
Thanks for your support . I am very new to this and the learning curve is unforgiving . I'm confident I'll get it worked out and when in doubt you'll hear from me .
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Did you have your signal lost behaviour set to RTH?? The RTH button on the controller or in App can't be expected to operate in the absence of a signal connection. You Kay find your lost signal action was hover.
Just tried the litchi app for the first time this evening , Maybe my last .what went wrong . connected up to the drone . everything a GO took off flew out about 1200' then drone quit responding to controls . just hovered . RTH on litchi app did nothing , watching my drone 1200 out just hover [thank god] shut down lichi app and went to dji go hit RTH and back she came . now i've lost all confidence in the litchi app not sure i will try again and may try to get a refund . Tell me what went wrong ? All signals good . dji go took over no problem , 1200 is nothing i'm flying over open ground / lake no interference , DJI go has operated with out issue to over 3500' . same place as i' flew the litchi . Not sure i want to even give it another try
Sometimes having both apps on the same device creates conflict within the app itself,not sure if you want to try this out and delete the go app after your recent experience
Sometimes having both apps on the same device creates conflict within the app itself,not sure if you want to try this out and delete the go app after your recent experience
I have had no issues using iOS and you still need the dji app for making some adjustments within Litchi as they are mirrored from the GO app. Just make sure that all other apps are shut down with nothing running in the background.
Sometimes having both apps on the same device creates conflict within the app itself,not sure if you want to try this out and delete the go app after your recent experience
I am grateful for the explanation however I don't have this issue. Latest iOS on Air2 or pro iPads whatever app is active works reliably, even when I forget to close one. Android can be problematic however I save my frustration now and rarely use it. When I did I found a good app killer was sufficient to avoid problems.
Sometimes having both apps on the same device creates conflict within the app itself,not sure if you want to try this out and delete the go app after your recent experience
Both apps were not open . made sure to close out dji before opening Litchi and vise versa , won't delete DJI unless i get to a very comfortable place with Litchi . and if you can't have both apps on one device then
litchi will lose as it will void warranty if anyting happens

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