Firmware 1.2.8 - Afraid to fly for the past month - SAFE???

Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Watertown, CT
I was promted to update the firmware and I stupidly did back probably 2 days after it was released. So needless to say I have been afraid to fly. DJI's horrible customer service chat people have told me twice not to fly till the new firmware comes out. I say ok and ask when it's due and all they said was soon. Now that was 3 weeks ago and just this week. So obviously they are in no rush to correct the issues with 1.2.8 for their loyal customers.

So my question is, who has been flying or have flown the Advance with the 1.2.8 firmware and what were your results. I'm getting itchy to fly because Summers are short here in Connecticut and I'd like to get some nice video and pictures.

Also if DJI reps by any chance read this forum, how about offering some compensation for such a screw up and length fix. A fee shirt, free lense...SOMETHING!
Dude, go fly the thing. I can't believe you waited 3 weeks without touching it.
I updated my P3P pros - both of them. Zero issues. GO FLY!

Sent from my PT beating heart
WIth 1.28 you may get false alarm messages saying:
Update firmware
Gimbal overload
Visual Sensor error​
These will be false alarms.
Turn off the VPS to get rid of those and just ignore the other two while you're on 1.28.
Otherwise it should be fine.
I would suggest, you are wasting precious time, by not flying your new bird, while holding off on taking off!! ;-)
Updated my Phantom 3 Pro' within only hours of the latest Firmware release. Same for the updated Pilot App. My Phantom 3 Pro' has none of the associated Concerns others have so eloquently voiced here and on several different RC flying forums, of which I frequently participate.

There is no reasonable excuse that you should offer to be shy after spending an inordinate amount of hard earned money towards a wonderfully rich and enjoyable hobby or pastime.
Get it outdoors and up...
Don't delay another day.
There is No time like the Present.
Please video your fun and excitement...

I would suggest, you are wasting precious time, by not flying your new bird, while holding off on taking off!! ;-)
Updated my Phantom 3 Pro' within only hours of the latest Firmware release. Same for the updated Pilot App. My Phantom 3 Pro' has none of the associated Concerns others have so eloquently voiced here and on several different RC flying forums, of which I frequently participate.

There is no reasonable excuse that you should offer to be shy after spending an inordinate amount of hard earned money towards a wonderfully rich and enjoyable hobby or pastime.
Get it outdoors and up...
Don't delay another day.
There is No time like the Present.
Please video your fun and excitement...

Been flying mine with 1.2.8. It has limited the FPV range in my opinion and I've noticed somewhat insignificant issues with the VPS but other than that it's fine. I've read some stories about auto takeoff but who needs that anyway?? Go fly it!
Been flying with 1.2.8 haven't had any issues calibrated IMU before first flight calibrated compass when I flew at home in cali and then again when I flew in oregon. Have had no issues at all
WIth 1.28 you may get false alarm messages saying:
Update firmware
Gimbal overload
Visual Sensor error​
These will be false alarms.
Turn off the VPS to get rid of those and just ignore the other two while you're on 1.28.
Otherwise it should be fine.

I solved my error message - very easy!
I just went from Vision 2+ to the Phantom 3 Advanced. Although I have been flying my Vision 2+ for over a year, I watched all of the DJI tutorials for unboxing and preparing for the first flight with the Phantom 3 Advanced. As soon as I turned on the aircraft I was alerted to upgrade the firmware to 1.28. I followed those directions and did so successfully. Then I noticed the Gimbal Motor Overload error message. I hadn't noticed it before, perhaps because I was focused on the error message to upgrade the firmware.

I took another very careful look at the gimbal. Of course I had already removed the plastic clamp put on by DJI. The gimbal appeared to work perfectly (the start up sequence had it moving in all directions and I had complete control over the tilt with the Pilot App). Upon close inspection, in a very difficult location to see, I noticed a white piece of foam between the gimbal and the camera area. It was so small I had some difficulty getting my fingers on it. When I finally pulled it off I noted the red sticker on it that said "remove before flight" . This solved my problem completely. The Gimbal Motor Overload error message is gone. I have since flown the aircraft several times with no error message.

I went back and looked over all instructions from DJI and never saw a note about this foam. I'm guessing many of you are much smarter than I am and have more experience flying. You probably already noticed this foam and removed it. But, for those that haven't looked for it, it saved the day for me.

Happy flying - Leonard
In that case, the gimbal overload error was genuine but under the latest firmware the same message has been coming up as a false alarm for several users.

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