English as a first language manual?

Mar 4, 2014
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Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
I am new to the hobby and was moving slowly until I went stopped in at a DJI dealer last week to ask some questions and walked out with a Phantom 1. The weather has been way too bad to attempt flying until this afternoon so when I saw my chance despite I headed to the park to give it a go and couldn't get the compass to calibrate. The manual is a very frustrating and to make matters worse somehow it seems they've got the same person who wrote the manual answering my calls whenever I ring customer service! With a lot reading on these threads, you folks are great - I think I've got some of my problems figured out but I do have some questions.

Manual says to run the assistant software to make sure the firmware is up to date then enter the tools tab to do the IMU basic or advanced calibration. Which to do - basic or advanced? And how does one do one or the other? Just click a button or does it become self evident once I enter get going?

Right toggle on the R/C has 3 positions GPS and it looks to be 2 ATTI huh?
Also found in the battery compartment a light gauge pair of wires with no lead end terminals- one gray and one red. My new girlfriend (?) at customer service couldn't give me a clue what it was for. Anyone? Perhaps a gimbal wire?

Thanks in advance.
Once you're connected to the NAZA Assitant software and looking in the Advanced section, you'll see two tabs in the section for calibrating IMU...one for basic, one for advanced. Run advanced your first time.

The unused cable you found is the auxiliary power feed that DJI provided in the Phantom 1, you can use it to power a gimbal, video transmitter, etc. It can be fed through one of the wiring holes under the base of each arm before attaching whatever connector works with your choice of accessories.
OI Photography said:
The unused cable you found is the auxiliary power feed that DJI provided in the Phantom 1, you can use it to power a gimbal, video transmitter, etc.
That cable is nice. I run my coffee maker off of it. :cool:
Back when I was a teenager (no quadcopters back then), my parents bought a Kubota tractor. My friends and I used to point at the sticker on the radiator and laugh. I still remember what it said word for word:

"Drain cooling water perfectly in cold season for preventing frozen"

Was a great tractor though, so I no longer judge a product by its documentation. ;)

Thank you for your posts both serious and silly.
I thought I posted a thank you follow-up response to this thread earlier this AM - but where it went I just don't know.
Despite a setback or two last night together with and a warning suggesting I should try again later because something with 3 initials (the Phantoms processor I suppose ) had become hot the calibration continued because I couldn't abort it and pulling the battery seemed foolish. It must have been successful calibrating the IMU because the compass worked just fine this AM and I actually had my first successful flight!
I failed to mention this was a returned/refurbished unit which I believe was shipped with a gimbal which could explain the snipped leads. The previous owner also misplaced some of the landing skid mounting screws but the dealer is sending more and I found some long allen head gimbal mount screws which work when coupled with spacers. The exchange on chat with the distributor was just as fun as the phone calls.
Me - I bought a used Phantom 2 weeks ago and you shorted me 5 screws.
Them - What is your invoice #
Me - xxxxxxxx
Them - What parts did we short you?
OMG! It must be fun working there.

So a question in the original post that I still haven't seen answered.
Right switch - GPS and two positions for ATTI - why two?

Lastly - after I got out to the flight field this AM and did my dance to the blinky lights I nervously pushed my sticks around and nothing happened. I took out the manual and did the dance again and once again got bub-kiss. Two weeks ago during the demo at the dealer I was luckily paying half attention when the guy mentioned you had to push the sticks in unison to get the thing started. I've watched - maybe a half dozen videos and read all 8 or so pages of the manual and there's no mention of this feature. Don't get me wrong I like the feature but it sure would be nice to let the buyer know about it.
Me go buy Kubota for make frozen coffee drink now soon.

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