Dropping a life preserver, life jacket, flotation device from P4

Mar 20, 2019
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As part of our Fire Department's water rescue capability, I have the need to be able to drop a flotation device (life jacket, boat cushion, etc.) to someone in the river. I know I can't be the first person to look at this problem.

I already have the Pgytech payload release device, but i'm looking for guidance on what is available to drop if anyone has already researched this.

Some of the issues include weight (within a P4's capability), wind drag, automatic inflation vs. no need for inflation, etc.

Also, given that there will be some degree of pendulum effect from the flotation device hanging below the P4, should it be affixed close to the P4 (like up close to the payload release device), or on a long tether. I'm not sure which setup would de-stabilize the P4 more when the flotation device moves and/or is effected by wind.

should it be affixed close to the P4 (like up close to the payload release device), or on a long tether.
Either will work I would think, but within the limitations as you mentioned above. The 2 issues that I would have in mounting close to the aircraft would be first, you will need to disable the VPS system. Actually this would be the case in either scenario. And 2 would be the "physical size" of the flotation device in question. The aircraft needs full airflow under the props. If the device is "as large" or larger in physical size than the aircraft itself, you will never get off the ground. Weight of coarse is a given concern.
As part of our Fire Department's water rescue capability, I have the need to be able to drop a flotation device (life jacket, boat cushion, etc.) to someone in the river. I know I can't be the first person to look at this problem.

I already have the Pgytech payload release device, but i'm looking for guidance on what is available to drop if anyone has already researched this.
Trying to fly a phantom with a large flotation device is asking for trouble.
You need to use something that inflates after you release it.
Surf lifesavers in Australia have been doing a lot of development in this area.
Here's the sort of thing to look into.
Lifesaving Drop Mechanism and Flotation Device - Hover UAV - Hover UAV
As part of our Fire Department's water rescue capability, I have the need to be able to drop a flotation device (life jacket, boat cushion, etc.) to someone in the river. I know I can't be the first person to look at this problem.

I already have the Pgytech payload release device, but i'm looking for guidance on what is available to drop if anyone has already researched this.

Some of the issues include weight (within a P4's capability), wind drag, automatic inflation vs. no need for inflation, etc.

Also, given that there will be some degree of pendulum effect from the flotation device hanging below the P4, should it be affixed close to the P4 (like up close to the payload release device), or on a long tether. I'm not sure which setup would de-stabilize the P4 more when the flotation device moves and/or is effected by wind.


We recently developed a Rescue Jacket for the Phantom 4 drones to Float on water and have had great success., and we have been in the development stage of creating the Ring Around the Drone below as a Rescue jacket for someone in the water. .

Once Winter Breaks we will be testing it out in the water , the Ring will be flown around the drone the same as the Phantom Rescue Jacket is now, the only difference is that will be able to float a person and have a tow line..

Here is the general idea , this is the Rescue jacket for the Drone itself to touch and go in water, the Life vest will be somewhat thicker but fit the Drone so it can fly at its best , without any swing. We also have designed our own release method using the Tow Line.

If you have to Sacrafice the Drone, the drone will still be able to float with the Rescue Jacket around the Drone. This video should give you an idea of how it will fit arround the drone when it flies,

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Curious about the certification process to label a device as a life jacket, ring, or other PFD.
What does that take to achieve?

Otherwise you’re just selling a pool toy dropped from a drone.
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I know the discussion was about a Phantom but in a life and death situation I wouldn't be looking at something that could barely get the job done, maybe. A life vest weighs about 1 lb. so a drone like a Tornado H920 with a 5 lbs. payload should do the job without breaking a sweat. I know it's a lot more complicated than just "can the drone carry the weight" but that's a primary considering and with a drone like this you've got a huge margin of overkill to deal with drag, time/distance, etc.
Curious about the certification process to label a device as a life jacket, ring, or other PFD.
What does that take to achieve?

Otherwise you’re just selling a pool toy dropped from a drone.

The device were using is already US coast Guard Approved , type IV , we have re engineered it for flight with the Phantom 4 Pro making it much more able to fly thru the air as heavy winds , rain, are a constant threat involved with Rescue .

One of the problems with Inflation devices are the High Failure Rate, some dont work at all and others may only partially fill.
Since you cannot reuse them , its expensive and a gamble with human life.

Imagine dropping it off and it did not inflate, so some floatation is better than none.

I know you have been very negative on the Phantom Wet Suits from all your past comments but i Got NEWS for you ,
its the Wet Suits that have given the Phantoms the ability to fly in Extreme Weather and make it possible for the Phantom or Mavic 2 to have any chance of being a Rescue Drone.

Not everyone is going to have to wait for a Sunny Day to be Rescued.
Thus the Wet Suits go hand in hand with Search and Rescue and having an option to save a life anyway you can a huge plus when flying near the water.

I’m not negative, I’m skeptical.

You’ve provided no third-party proof of your claims and offer no guarantees.
As part of our Fire Department's water rescue capability, I have the need to be able to drop a flotation device (life jacket, boat cushion, etc.) to someone in the river. I know I can't be the first person to look at this problem.

I already have the Pgytech payload release device, but i'm looking for guidance on what is available to drop if anyone has already researched this.

Some of the issues include weight (within a P4's capability), wind drag, automatic inflation vs. no need for inflation, etc.

Also, given that there will be some degree of pendulum effect from the flotation device hanging below the P4, should it be affixed close to the P4 (like up close to the payload release device), or on a long tether. I'm not sure which setup would de-stabilize the P4 more when the flotation device moves and/or is effected by wind.

Get an inspire or larger, a P4 is not strong enough for that.
I've just found something called a Mustang Rescue Stick. It's intended as a self-inflating throw device, weighs just under 16 oz, and presents a very small area to the wind.

Yes, we may not be able to get it out there, and it may fail. This doesn't replace a rescue boat, which we will still be sending out anyway. But when this works it will arrive much more quickly.
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Loved the bad acting and obviously staged video. :)

I'm not criticizing the use of the device, anything that floats may help the victim; if it can be carried by any Phantom then it can do the job!

My earlier comment was aimed at a full size life jacket.
A few months ago our national newspapers ran a story on their front page telling how 2 young guys were saved from certain drowning when they swept out to sea. It was deemed too rough for any life guards to swim out to them as they would also have to be rescued and calling the rescue chopper out was considered useless as the boys would have drowned by the time it was scrambled and arrived. So someone sent a Phantom out which dropped some form of flotation device for them. I don't recall exactly what it was the Phantom dropped, in fact I'm sure it wasn't mentioned. But it saved the two boys by keeping them afloat until the rescue squad arrived.

I know it caused a lot of interest in quadcopters because the Editor from the local paper paid me a visit to get photos of my collection. It's just a shame that since then there have been many negative stories from overseas which pop up on our news services, thankfully nothing which led to a front page story. Every time I read about or watch a news story where some fool was either ignorant of the laws governing quadcopters or as in many cases they thought they'd have a bit of fun and thumb their noses at the relevant laws. it makes me angry. What will it take for a Government to slam the door on quadcopters, a death of one or the deaths of hundreds of people? I had a chat with a 15 year old who was flying low over the houses in my area of town. Obviously not at school or employed he'd fly for as long as his 3 batteries lasted and 3 or 4 hours later he's be back in the air.

I had no idea who it was, being disabled I couldn't find out where he lived, but fate is a funny thing, he crashed it last week and knocked on my front door. His mate informed him I would be able to fix it, for free, because I fixed his at no charge because I knew his Dad died in a car crash prior to last Christmas. Anyway I managed to find out it was him who was bugging everyone in the area and I had a quiet word with him and told him about unwritten rules he should follow. He apologized and vowed he'd only fly at the local playing fields in future. I managed to patch his quad together as best I could and gave him the address of where he could buy a new body for it. Away he went, happy to have something to fly again. First thing last Monday morning, I heard that familiar buzz again, yes it was his quadcopter and according to my wife he was hovering over our garden and house. Some people just won't learn and he definitely won't be getting his quadcopter fixed again.

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