Heard about people getting their Drones insured via State Farm so I gave my local agent a call about it today.
I told him others have received insurance on their Drone and I wanted to do the same if possible. He had never heard of this before and sounded like it was no possible but said he would check with underwriting to make sure.
He called me back about 30 mins later and said YES we can do that.
He asked if it was under 55 pounds and if I was using it for hobby use or commercial use and I said hobby.
The minimum premium fee via State Farm is $60 per year but the drone at $1500 for the P4 would only be $30 a year so I still have to pay the $60 per year to do it so he recommened I insure other stuff like my laptop which I thought was a great idea also.
I asked him how the process would go if I needed to make a claim and he said to just give him a call and let him know that it was lost, stolen, broke, or what ever and they would send me a new one or cut a check for it with no deductible. If I get a new unit then I need to make a new policy for the new drone which would only be another $60 at the most.
So it sounded to good to be true but it looks like its real.
He said all they will need is a receipt for the purchase of the drone, the Make and Model, and a serial number if it has one. No need to bring the drone in.
Not sure how many times they would cover a lost drone and I don't intend to abuse the system but its really nice to know if you loose the drone you get a new one and get to keep the controller and charger and anything else that you didn't loose.
Hope this helps somebody else out before it's too late
I told him others have received insurance on their Drone and I wanted to do the same if possible. He had never heard of this before and sounded like it was no possible but said he would check with underwriting to make sure.
He called me back about 30 mins later and said YES we can do that.
He asked if it was under 55 pounds and if I was using it for hobby use or commercial use and I said hobby.
The minimum premium fee via State Farm is $60 per year but the drone at $1500 for the P4 would only be $30 a year so I still have to pay the $60 per year to do it so he recommened I insure other stuff like my laptop which I thought was a great idea also.
I asked him how the process would go if I needed to make a claim and he said to just give him a call and let him know that it was lost, stolen, broke, or what ever and they would send me a new one or cut a check for it with no deductible. If I get a new unit then I need to make a new policy for the new drone which would only be another $60 at the most.
So it sounded to good to be true but it looks like its real.
He said all they will need is a receipt for the purchase of the drone, the Make and Model, and a serial number if it has one. No need to bring the drone in.
Not sure how many times they would cover a lost drone and I don't intend to abuse the system but its really nice to know if you loose the drone you get a new one and get to keep the controller and charger and anything else that you didn't loose.
Hope this helps somebody else out before it's too late