Don't try this at home

Oct 24, 2020
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Melbourne, Australia
With Melbourne (Australia) entering the ninth week of its sixth lockdown, thirty-six weeks under lockdown since the outbreak began last year, and the prospect of at least another two months of harsh restrictions ahead of us, residents have just six reasons to legally leave their homes. Piloting a drone isn't one of them.

I needed to fly my drone, but then a flash of inspiration came to me: In-house drone-flying!

Why hadn't I though of this sooner? I could slowly navigate my drone from the bedroom to the living room to the kitchen, then turn around and do it in reverse. Sure, I'd have to be super-careful, and maybe lock my young-ish kids in the bathroom (it's a small house), but the absence of wind inside would allow for precision flying and there was absolutely no risk of becoming lodged in a tree or ending up at the bottom of a reservoir.

I knew that I'd be flying in ATTI-mode, but the first hiccup was the discovery that I couldn't use Tripod-mode while in ATTI-mode. As you know, Tripod-mode slows everything down and allows you to navigate tight spaces with a little more confidence. No matter, I launched anyway - from my kitchen bench.

Okay, so that notion I had about there being no wind inside the house was just silly. Flying outdoors you don't get a sense of what 1.38 kg of continuous air-displacement actually represents. Imagine an industrial-strength fan pointing downward in a small room... there's back-wash, there's turbulence, and it's like you're outside on a windy day, but without GPS assistance.

For about twenty seconds - with my box of tissues blown off the bench and the kids' art-work being stripped from the fridge door piece by piece as the magnets gave up the struggle - I bravely battled the controls, just trying to stay in one place.

Moral of the story - don't do it, at least not with a Phantom. A Mavic Mini, on the other hand...
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Ha yeh rotor wash pretty intense ay,,,
Super bummer on the lockdown restrictions, very lucky here still able to go out,we level 2 ,
Auckland stuck at level 4 and there border policed to contain it,,
Best of luck over there
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God I hate it for you guy’s.
Flew around town today but not interesting 🤷‍♂️
You said it boss. At least we can venture out and fly our birds without being shot by the police. Flying around town can be boring if you don't know where to go. Of course the best place is the beach during Spring Break where you can video the college kids falling down drunk and the cute gals running around trying to find their bikini tops.

That aside, I find it intellectually stimulating to fly over a septic tank cleanout, video pothole patchwork, and for real excitement, try following a neighborhood dog from about 10'. They go nuts trying to get away!! So much fun, so little time.
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I have thought of flying indoors but when the thoughts come to mind I often just think about all the obstacles around the house and things that I could potentially damage (drone included) and just think, maybe this isn't the time for that.
Yip living in a windy city ,I flew a lot inside mainly to kill the bordem, micro helicopters,phantoms,even the 450 t rex,I can remember many close calls,had couple of smokers at the address and should have seen the ashtray empty from rotor wash,what a mess lol,
Advice for indoor flight is remove anything under 1 kilo,,,mini mavic not bad inside but nothing to see inside

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