does anybody know if a samsung tablet will work on a phantom3

I have a Samsung Tab Pro 8.4.

My advice? Don't waste your time on Samsung stuff. They fill it to the brim with bloatware and you can't just uninstall it. You have to root your device and go through quite a process trying to optimize it. It's just a headache and when I did it, I (temporarily) bricked my device! All this BS just to get rid of Samsung Crap they force you to run.

After all this, the lag is ok, about 300ms. But the video still stutters and it's not a pleasant experience, not as good as it could be. Additionally, I have to restart the tablet between every flight or I risk the DJI app crashing during the 2nd flight.


I tried my best to stay away from Apple but ended up wasting quite a lot of hours researching and optimizing and I'm still not getting a great experience.

Wow. I have what I believe is that same tablet. I don't have it with me but I think the model may be T-320. I must have got lucky and haven't had any serious troubles. I did have a connection issue one time and a reboot fixed it but that was with the pilot app. There is a tiny bit of lag (maybe 1/2 second or less) but it's not bad and no stuttering.

Wow. I have what I believe is that same tablet. I don't have it with me but I think the model may be T-320. I must have got lucky and haven't had any serious troubles. I did have a connection issue one time and a reboot fixed it but that was with the pilot app. There is a tiny bit of lag (maybe 1/2 second or less) but it's not bad and no stuttering.


Yes, my is T320...

Lag is only 300ms, so that's fine.

But video stutter is very pronounced particularly when I yaw or fly faster.
You have to turn on developer options. Its under there.

Typically you go to your settings and about and find the build number. If you repeatably click that multiple times it will turn on developer options. From there you can turn on USB debugging. Its is a hidden but published method.

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