DJI has abandoned professionals

If this is a solely a Phantom 4 issue, then please ignore my comments.

1) First of all, blaming every issue on the fact that DJI is a Chinese company is simply too convienient. Their business is to sell product and acting in a unilateral regulatory manner would be against their best interest. Additionally, it would be next to impossible to keep up with ever-changing rules.

2) Software design is not a simple task. There isn't a piece of software in existence that is bug free. Having been in the software business for 30 years I can tell you for a fact that companies fix what they deem to be "show-stoppers" first and then tackle the others later. It's important to note that what WE consider a show-stopper may and can differ from the company's view.

3) I can't say for sure, but I sincerely doubt that DJI drone development goes on without some regulatory input from various agencies around the world.

4) The issue of FAA law enforcement is a pointless argument. Got to to see what is in the air at any given time at an airport near you. (and those are AC with a filed flight-plan) Moreover, the thought that we should have no regulations whatever because individually we feel we'll never make a mistake is simply wrong. FlightAware has an app for download and I also recommend LiveATC. These apps cover a very long list of airports world-wide. (In my former life I was an Air Force air traffic controller.)

5) check the ToS you "sign" when using the drone, arbitration and mediation only -- Just like ever company these days foreign or domestic.

I have a Phantom 3 Advanced and I've yet to run into any of the problems stated here. The AC is running v1.10.0090 and I use the latest version of Litchi. I turned off Geo, set my max altitude to 500m and I was good to go. One day I was flying in a park that is just 1/3 of a mile south of final approach and about a mile from the end of the runway when someone walked up to me and asked how high I could fly. (At that distance inbound aircraft are at about 800-1000ft -- Just high enough to do an S-turn for spacing if necessary) I checked for traffic and decided to do a quick run to 400ft. To my surprise I was able to climb to 500ft! The next day I went to a safe zone at the edge of the desert and flew up to 1050ft.

I have a P3P coming in tomorrow and I plan to do the same test to 1000ft+. FWIW, I use an iPad Mini2 (WiFi only) with my controller. By the way, I rarely fly over 75ft high at that park because of its close proximity to KLAS.
You mean the new firmware no longer allows Geo to be turned off??? If so, I won't upgrade!

Hey Mo... Do ya feel like going over to American Falls and shooting some low-altitude video of the golf course?. My Dad used to be the greenskeeper there and I cut my eye teeth in learning to play golf on that beautiful (if small) course. I can't travel any more so I won't be able to go there and shoot it myself or I would be up there in a heartbeat.

Excuse me?! That's rude.

Most people update their app automatically in the background.

Then the app tells them they MUST upgrade firmware 0or cannot fly.

"Smart people" are psychics who know when to ignore mandatory upgrades that promise new features?

I'm tired of the holier than thou attitude of some...
While I totally agree with your first post I take issue with this one.

Over the years I've been on this site I've noticed a few things:

Firstly, people here are generally exceptionally patient and helpful and the place is well moderated (try the TripAdvisor forums as a comparison).

Secondly, you can rely on certain people to say the same things each time - that is true for both sides of the argument and, of course, people are entitled to their various opinions and to hold on to them strongly. It doesn't always make for great reading though.

Thirdly, there should be a Godwin's Law of sorts, that says there is a point at which someone compares drones with cars. At that point any new argument seems to drop away.

But fourthly, there seems to be three kinds of drone user: the long-term user who always updates; the long-term user who stopped updating at some point and will never update again; and the new user who is wondering what is going on..

I don't update any more and I use Litchi and I live in New Zealand, three factors which have, touch wood, kept me in the air, so far.
It's not holier-than-thou, it's just seeing others having problems and wishing to avoid them.

Plus I'm old and don't like change..

I will put my hand up to being slightly smug though :cool:
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What do you mean exactly when you say you no longer connect to the net and it was good of DJI to warn us so you could turn it off?
If this has already been thoroughly discussed or explained, I apologize. I'm new to the site.

Exactly what I said.
I no longer allow my tablet to connect to the net so I'm not forced to update
I got locked out of flying the other day, during a professional photoshoot job. My inspire 2 informed me it "Could not take off".
I know the rules, I know the airspace, I am a part 61 certified flight instructor for single and multiengine aircraft, seaplanes, instruments, commercial...well u get the point.
I coordinated with the airport manager that I would hover at 10 ft, over "my unrunning beautiful twin engine plane" in a secluded part of the airport, in front of my own hangar, and take a pic for a magazine. I could not take off. As a note: I had no internet connection, my iPad did not have GPS, nor wifi, nor connectivity to my Iphone, we had no signal, but yet, DJI has a way of using the Inspire 2's GPS to track me and knew I was at an airport. I had to go home, get internet and go to DJI and ask permission to fly there. BS.....
Also, DJI/airmaps, their maps do not accurately depict FAA airspace. Not even close, and the final authority is the PIC, and he must know if he can fly there, and the airspace is governed by the FAA, NOT DJI.....I will NOT buy from them again., I am game to start a war with them, I am losing money, who wants to start a war!!! email [email protected]
The solution, if DJI won't drop Geo entirely, is to simply have an on/off switch for it, just like EVERY system on any aircraft. Want it, use it. Don't want it? Turn it off.

Actually there is an even better solution. I've been looking at the Yuneec Typhoon H Pro and the Autel X-Star Premium. If DJI decides to brick my Phantom I'll be buying one of these models. If enough people drop DJI maybe they'll get the message.

If the airport and the hospital (MedStar) tell me it's OK to fly who is DJI to tell me otherwise.
I fly under part 107. I had to unlock airspace for the first time a few days ago. While NOT an intuitive process, I figured it out pretty quickly. I don't see how Geo "bricks" your aircraft. Just unlock the airspace. That being said, it is not convienant.
Actually there is an even better solution. I've been looking at the Yuneec Typhoon H Pro and the Autel X-Star Premium. If DJI decides to brick my Phantom I'll be buying one of these models. If enough people drop DJI maybe they'll get the message.

Voting with your wallet is really all you can do, unfortunately I don't think it will matter. The growth of the hobbyist drone market is so rapid they will pick up 100 customers for every one they lose.
Just adding a plus one for the title of the post. DJI is a little kid trying to wear daddy's pants.
The Bryd pro ii is a great platform for photography, it can lift a sony e-mount slr
The company has basically shafted and turned on its customers.
The licensed brigade no realise it applies to them as well and the wasted their cash .

DJI have committed commercial suicide.
I warned this was on the cards and dozens set about me on the forum.
Well here it is.

My p3A is on the factory firmware version 1 and it runs an ipad mini locked from the internet, I took the if it aint broke dont update it approach.
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The company has basically shafted and turned on its customers.
The licensed brigade no realise it applies to them as well and the wasted their cash .

DJI have committed commercial suicide.
I warned this was on the cards and dozens set about me on the forum.
Well here it is.

My p3A is on the factory firmware version 1 and it runs an ipad mini locked from the internet, I took the if it aint broke dont update it approach.

Interesting. When are we going to see the results of this "commercial suicide"? Or are you perhaps mistaking the inevitable whining of a few disgruntled individuals on the forums who can no longer fly anywhere they want as a massive market rejection?
Actually there is an even better solution. I've been looking at the Yuneec Typhoon H Pro and the Autel X-Star Premium. If DJI decides to brick my Phantom I'll be buying one of these models. If enough people drop DJI maybe they'll get the message.

If the airport and the hospital (MedStar) tell me it's OK to fly who is DJI to tell me otherwise.

You can buy any aircraft from other companies but they don't have the technology that DJI possess in getting extremely long range in their aircrafts. The Typhoon H for example, cost the same or more than a Mavic pro but it has the same range of a phantom 3 standard.
The company has basically shafted and turned on its customers.
The licensed brigade no realise it applies to them as well and the wasted their cash .

DJI have committed commercial suicide.
I warned this was on the cards and dozens set about me on the forum.
Well here it is.

My p3A is on the factory firmware version 1 and it runs an ipad mini locked from the internet, I took the if it aint broke dont update it approach.
The warning you are so proud of has been presented here before, for YEARS.
Yet their product line and sales continue to grow.
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I fly under part 107. I had to unlock airspace for the first time a few days ago. While NOT an intuitive process, I figured it out pretty quickly. I don't see how Geo "bricks" your aircraft. Just unlock the airspace. That being said, it is not convienant.
Now that you know the process you should make an instructional video for YT.

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