Distance was wrong on dji go

Apr 30, 2016
Reaction score
Ealand, North Lincolnshire.
strange one.
Just had a short flight, temps around zero so battery life was never going to be great. Started off fine, decided to give follow me a whirl for a change. Seemed ok for a minute then silly me knocked the S1 switch back to gps, cold paws...
Anyway, I noticed that Go said i was about 200ft away and this didnt alter much when I brought her back down to land. Restarted everything and same result, at one point I was almost in grabbing distance and it said I was around 200ft away.
Now, I tried rth and off she set to my original start point, I had moved a bit during follow me.
All I can think is that my home point had stayed put all along, but I thought distance in go was from me not to home point.
Hope that made sense.
I think you'll find the distance and altitude is not that accurate. Mine sometimes says it's 40 feet away when it lands right next to me. Mine also flies underground at times (Negative altitudes.). Take-off numbers aren't too bad, but given time and distance things are very different. Playback (Flight Review) may even be worse too. Don't know if it's the GO app being flaky or the craft itself and maybe its firmware or hardware. These things aren't plu-perfect as we'd like them to be.
I know things are not perfect, but I have never had any distance readings problems before, hence my post. If had flown 1000ft away I could imagine the readings not being 100% but it was close enough to hit with a stone if one had the need. In fact, apart from one flyaway which was my fault, I have been fairly glitch free.
Most like the distance _is_ from the home point (take off point) and not from your current location. Distance is to home point when not in follow me mode. From what I recall, follow me mode used to work by updating the home point pretty often to the controlers new position. However, I'm not sure if this has changed. Best way to know... do it again and see if the drone is actually that distance from the take off point. In thinking about this, I think the drone can still be set to return to the take off point (RTH) even when in follow me mode. If this is the case, then it is the distance from the take off point.
When I do Follow Me with my Litchi App and my P2V, the distance shown on the app is not from the home point but from my mobile device. So in other words it stays about the same. Not sure if this same thing applies in your case.

Thanks for trying to help. As I said in my op, I guessed that it was referring to distance to home point and not distance to me.
If that is the case, highly likely, curious why my home point hadn't been updated. Given I could have walked, ridden or driven (slowly) a reasonable distance using follow me, it seems pretty strange that my home point was way back over yonder.
Replaying the flight in go, it shows me moving down the road but home point stays at take off point. So the distance shown was to the home point.
Hey ho. Looks like i need to learn another new thing, how to force home point to update.
Home points don't update automatically on the P3. But you can create a new home point with the P3 whenever you want during your flight. You can check the manual. You can reset it to your current position. I think you might have to do it within the GO app on yours, not sure. On my P2V, all I have to do is toggle the S2 switch five times or more. Not sure if that will work on yours.
Google worked for a change.
Once everything is on and connected, in Go, under Main Controller Settings two icons appear at the top of the list to either set the aircrafts postion as its home point or your own position as a home point.
Got there in the end, cheers people

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