Decrypt any DJI flight log with Flight Reader

A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.37 includes the following changes:
  • Extracted additional battery percentage and cell voltage data for dual battery drones. Depending on the drone model you're flying and the data recorded in the TXT flight log, some or all of the individual battery data might not be available in the TXT flight log file for extraction.

  • In Flight Reader 1.5.28, a change was made to use the longest available aircraft serial number (since there can be several aircraft serial numbers inside the TXT flight log file). This release will update the displayed aircraft serial number for any flights using the old shorter serial number if another flight log was processed for the same aircraft and it's displaying a longer serial number.

  • Swapped the values for the "Date Actual" and "Date Local" columns and the "Flight Start/End Time Actual" and "Flight Start/End Time Local" columns in the main Flight Reader window since they were displaying in the wrong columns.

  • When right clicking a flight in the main Flight Reader window to generate a report from the "Reports" menu, the aircraft/battery serial number displayed in the report menu items was not always displaying the correct serial number. This was only a display issue with the menu as the generated reports still included the data for the correct aircraft/battery.

  • When a flight log is processed, Flight Reader extracts any snapshot images it finds inside of the TXT flight log file. When a snapshot image is exported, a thumbnail image for that snapshot should also be created for display in the "Photo" column of the main Flight Reader window. This release corrects an issue where the thumbnail image was sometimes not being created and displayed in the main Flight Reader window.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.44 includes the following changes:
  • Added the following log fields for drones equipped with a DJI D-RTK antenna: RTK.aircraftLatitude, RTK.aircraftLongitude, RTK.baseStationLatitude, RTK.baseStationLongitude, RTK.baseStationAltitude [ft], and RTK.baseStationAltitude [m].

  • Resolved an issue that was sometimes preventing pilots from being auto assigned to flight logs downloaded from the DJI Cloud when syncing flight logs.

  • Improved the logic used to populate the “CAMERA.isPhoto” and “CAMERA.isVideo” fields to account for various inconsistencies across DJI drone models and DJI flight application versions.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.46 includes the following changes:
  • Made additional improvements to resolve incorrect data that was sometimes being populated in the "CAMERA.isPhoto" and "CAMERA.isVideo" fields.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.47 includes the following changes:
  • The columns in the map window can now be added/removed/reordered/renamed by configuring the “Map Log” fields in the “Logs/Reports” section of the Flight Reader Options window.

  • Added new “BATTERY.cellVoltageDeviation [V]” and “BATTERY2.cellVoltageDeviation [V]” fields to show the current difference in voltage among the battery cells.

  • Added new “RTK.aircraftAltitude [ft]” and “RTK.aircraftAltitude [m]” fields to show the aircraft’s current altitude as reported by the RTK module.

  • Added new “RTK.aircraftHeight [ft]”, “RTK.aircraftHeight [m]”, “RTK.aircraftHeightMax [ft]”, and “RTK.aircraftHeightMax [m]” fields to show the aircraft’s current or maximum height above the takeoff location as reported by the RTK module.

  • Updated the “RTK.baseStationAltitude [ft]” and “RTK.baseStationAltitude [m]” fields to display altitude values when negative. Previous versions of Flight Reader were hiding these values when they were below zero.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.48 includes the following changes:
  • Made improvements to numeric value formatting to prevent those values from ending with a decimal symbol or a zero decimal place value when the number is also 0 (e.g. 0.0).

  • When using the default Map Log fields in the Map window, the “IMU Height” column was displaying the max height instead of the current height.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.49 includes the following changes:
  • Added the following new log fields:

    • WEATHER.isFacingWind: When true, the front of the aircraft is currently facing a headwind.

    • WEATHER.isFlyingIntoWind: When true, the aircraft is currently flying into a headwind.

    • WEATHER.windDirection: The cardinal direction the wind is blowing from at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.windRelativeDirection: The cardinal direction the wind is blowing from relative to the direction the aircraft is currently facing. For example, an East wind would be blowing toward the right side of the aircraft.

    • WEATHER.windSpeed [MPH]: The wind speed (in MPH) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.windSpeed [m/s]: The wind speed (in m/s) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.windSpeed [km/h]: The wind speed (in km/h) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.maxWindSpeed [MPH]: Maximum wind speed (in MPH) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER.maxWindSpeed [m/s]: Maximum wind speed (in m/s) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER.maxWindSpeed [km/h]: Maximum wind speed (in km/h) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER.windStrength: Calm, Moderate, or Strong to indicate the wind strength at the aircraft’s current location.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.
A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.6.0 includes the following changes:
  • Added support for processing Avata 2 flight logs.
See the release notes for a complete list of changes.

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