Damping Rubber FC40

May 8, 2014
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I managed to lose almost all of my damping rubber thingies for the FC40, and are looking to buy replacements. I found a single website advertising them, but they were sold out.

I see a lot of items that look similar, like for Zenmuse. Are they identical?

Any other tips on acquiring replacements?
I've seen these for sale in different colors, and I think the color indicates the softness or stiffness of the damping rubber.
all the ones I seen all see to be of the same size. Tho some look like they have a more substantial lip on them to help hold them in place better. And like the other poster above mentioned I think the different colors are different stiffness tho not 100 sure on that tho.

and a good tip when you do get replacements so you don't lose them or have your holder fall out of the frame. Thread a small pcs of string threw the center hole after they are in place and tie the ends you can also use a small wire tie or even a bread tie will work to.
I ordered a set from goodluckbuy but they were too large for the FC40. Must be for a gimbal mount where four are used. Would also like to know of a source for the cushions to fit the FC40 camera mount.

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