Check out Fox News

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Jan 16, 2018
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Watching news this morning, now they say that the bad guys are using drones to attack us now here at home, they were using an inspire to show people on tv, now more fear mongering we will have to endure for us that want to use drones as for legimate uses or recreational uses, it has grappled the attention of the us government and can see more regulations coming.
Yeah, I suspect something is up since the AMA has sent me out another "Write your congressman" letter about the community-based flying rules which may get nixed over some general one they'll dream up.

I got run off last week on a city public street on some encroachment ordinance. Very odd part was it was some water agency thing where they claim ownership of the land, hence trespassing, although the city owns the street. Some battle going on between the two, but they are running off anyone on the water agency grounds using trespassing albeit being public streets. Public is sort of an oxymoron as most are under some governmental control anyway. Go figger.

Owning a camera, ground or aerial based, is just asking for trouble today.
Drones are effective tools for many, many things. Not all those things are good.
Well there's always the off switch I guess :eek:
Can we just talk about droning please. Leave the politics outside. The OP should know better than to start a thread with something as divisive as the title. Like it or not that network is polarizing. Case in point the whole thread is about Fox News and which side you fall on. Which has ZERO to do with droning. The other thing is, if you’re gonna provide news, provide a link to the story not just some recap.
Well, as expected "We" couldn't help but go down into the rabbit hole. Disappointing to say the least.

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