tl;dr: Camera slowly rolls to the left, then the right, then repeats, whenever it's powered on, flying or not.
Details: I bought a crashed P3S, and I've replaced the gimbal's main board, all three motors*, roll and pitch ESC boards, and some of the arms. Camera and gimbal work mostly correctly now, except the gimbal slooowly rolls the camera to the left, then to the right, then repeats, any time it's powered on, whether flying or not. The gimbal does correctly counteract roll when flying -- it just adds extra lean back and forth, cyclically and constantly.
* I did replace the roll motor with a new yaw motor, after cutting down its shaft, because they're theoretically the same motor otherwise.
IMU has been successfully calibrated, gimbal has been auto-calibrated, but camera starts its slow roll back and forth as soon as those are done, while sitting stationary on the table. Does it sound like a questionable IMU, or something else?
Details: I bought a crashed P3S, and I've replaced the gimbal's main board, all three motors*, roll and pitch ESC boards, and some of the arms. Camera and gimbal work mostly correctly now, except the gimbal slooowly rolls the camera to the left, then to the right, then repeats, any time it's powered on, whether flying or not. The gimbal does correctly counteract roll when flying -- it just adds extra lean back and forth, cyclically and constantly.
* I did replace the roll motor with a new yaw motor, after cutting down its shaft, because they're theoretically the same motor otherwise.
IMU has been successfully calibrated, gimbal has been auto-calibrated, but camera starts its slow roll back and forth as soon as those are done, while sitting stationary on the table. Does it sound like a questionable IMU, or something else?