Hello everyone. My name is Dave Wallace and new to this forum. I am currently not even a drone newbie but I am an RC airplane enthusiast. I am the president of the Sky Pirates RC Club that has been operating out of a field in Plumsteadville, Bucks County PA. for over 23 years. We are located on Route 413 a couple yards North of Township Line Rd. on the right. We are AMA sanctioned. We presently have approximately 20 members and one of the guys has a miniature hand size quad copter. That is the extent of our exposure to your area of the RC hobby. Our next monthly meeting is this coming Wednesday July 8th. We fly till about 7:00 then start the meeting. Wondering if anyone out there would be interested in stopping by to share the basics of the Drone/Quadcopter world with us. Typically a dozen or so members attend for a very low keyed informal gathering..