Brother Dave - Introduction

Dec 28, 2017
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Hi, my name is David. Years ago, my now late sister gave me the nickname Brother Dave as I was searching for a computer alias. It stuck, partly because I am a “Bible totin’ Baptist”, and partly because I like it, lol.
I started flying drones with a little helicopter in the House, but kept crashing it when the air conditioning came on. I wanted something bigger, that could fight the wind outside, get some cool footage, and last more than 3 minutes after a 3 hour charge. That last part was harder to get than anything.
I bought a Syma X8C Drone, and flew it for 3 months, getting used to the controls and flight characteristics. Then one day, as I was videoing my pond, the wind caught it, and I lost connection. I watched it go out of sight. I never found it.
Thus began my Drone purchasing and repairing career, lol.
A monster is born!
Welcome to the forum BD.
Welcome to the PhantomPilots Forum BrotherDave ! From reading your introduction post it seems like you are like most of us here on the forum..........just big kids !! I too refuse to grow up. And you can never have too many toys. [emoji106]


Thanks, Captain. Seems you understand me well, lol.
I like your handle, too! Captainmilehigh has a certain ring to it.
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Welcome to the group! I'm a Bible toter too (usually just on my smart phone these days LOL) . Fly safe and have fun!
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Welcome to the forum .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .
Welcome to the PhantomPilots Forum BrotherDave ! From reading your introduction post it seems like you are like most of us here on the forum..........just big kids !! I too refuse to grow up. And you can never have too many toys. [emoji106]


Yeah ,tell my wife that .
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Phantom Pilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in DJI quadcopters.
*GO 4 APP MANUAL: DJI Go 4 Manual
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Phantom Pilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in DJI quadcopters.
*GO 4 APP MANUAL: DJI Go 4 Manual

I have a P3S, so I’m still looking for the DJI manual on that. Thanks, though. I’m sure there’s something in the 4 manual I can relate to.
The DJI GO 4 app is not for the P3S though. Am I missing something? It would be nice if I could use it. Hey, as I was typing DJI GO 4, I accidentally typed DIJIGO4. I read it out loud, as “did ya go for? “ so I have to ask, what dijigo4? Lol. Ok, just Word playing.

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