Anyone here ever use Corel Videostudio X9?

May 15, 2016
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OK, probably a stupid question, but I have been messing with Corel Video Studio X9 lately, besides it taking a ridiculous, and I do mean ridiculous amount of time to creat a working cache of my videos (about 20 hours for 106 minutes of video
) it seems to work reasonably well, my question is how do I get it to save back in the original resolution? It gives me the option of AVI, MPEG-4, WMV, MOV, custom, or "same as project settings," but none of the presets seem to match the original video, the closest it seems to show is MPEG-4 at 1920x1080 and 30 FPS but the original was shot at 4K 24 FPS which I believe is 4096x2160, the file sizes also don't match, I just tried combining two clips totalling 5.67 GB in the original straight of the drone footage, yet the MPEG-4 option is just 1.52 GB so it seems like a massive amount of data is being lost.

I tried to fix this by using a custom MOV setting, manually changing the settings from the default to 4096x1080 at 24 FPS and 100% quality, yet this only gave me an estimated file size of 1.52 GB and when I actually saved it to my hard drive it was just 168 MB. What the hell?

Next I tried "same as project settings," it took literally all night (as in I went to sleep and it was just finishing when I woke up the next morning) and it created a massive 28 GB file, but only played in a little tiny window, and despite my computer being unable to play 4K without studdering it played smoothly, nut it had horrible artifacting, definitely NOT the origiginal resolution, and what the hell is all that extra data?

How do I save at original resolution?? All I am trying to do is combine a damned 9 minute clip with a 5 minute one. I'm getting ready to scrap this program.

How do I save in the original format and resolution? The entire reason I got this program was so that I could edit togethor and post video at full 4K resolution without the YouTube editor stripping it down to 1080P just because, if I can't do that than what is the point? Where can I find an editor for the same or lower proce that will do what I want? (Edit at low resolution but save at full resolution)

I have tried to contact Corel, but their customer support is absolutely useless, the phone number just goes to sales who just give you the web address which just gives you the phone number you just called, a link to a live check that doesn't work, that does nothing at all when you click the link, and a stupid "we'll get to it when we get to it, if we get to it at all" email option. I have yet to recieve a response to that, and if I do I fully expect an automated one which answers a question I did not ask.
I use it. It's actually one of the best if not the best for video editing.
However the learning curve is very long.
I don't know the answer to your question but when I have an issue or question I type it into the search area and I usually get the answer.
If not I would google "how do I save in original format videostudio"
I use it. It's actually one of the best if not the best for video editing.
However the learning curve is very long.
I don't know the answer to your question but when I have an issue or question I type it into the search area and I usually get the answer.
If not I would google "how do I save in original format videostudio"

I have already googled it, I get no answers.
My wife uses it with good results in 1080p and nothing over that because our DELL laptop just can't handle 4K. It has a duo CPU T9300 @ 2.5 GHz, 4 GB ram, 500GB ssd hard drive and a crappy on board video card. To compile 4k your system needs mega hoohas.

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