Anybody having control issues with the P4P 2.0?

May 12, 2018
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I tried out my P4P 2.0 for the first time yesterday evening. after the takeoff, it wouldn't go foreword until started turning it around a few times and it was very sluggish. Going up and down was nowhere near as fast as my Mavic Air and at some points it ascend really fast on it's own and wouldn't descend. Bringing it down was disturbing as well as it seemed to have it's own mind. It wasn't windy or anything so I'm just wondering if the remote has a problem or the controls need calibrating? The camera seemed to work fine.
Oak Park 1 - R1.jpg
Oak Park 4 - R1.jpg
I'd appreciate some input if anyone has some.

I tried out my P4P 2.0 for the first time yesterday evening. after the takeoff, it wouldn't go foreword until started turning it around a few times and it was very sluggish. Going up and down was nowhere near as fast as my Mavic Air and at some points it ascend really fast on it's own and wouldn't descend. Bringing it down was disturbing as well as it seemed to have it's own mind. It wasn't windy or anything so I'm just wondering if the remote has a problem or the controls need calibrating? I'd appreciate some input if anyone has some.
Did you have obstacle avoidance enabled?
Were you having difficulty flying towards the sun?
Turn off OA and see what difference that makes.
Did you have obstacle avoidance enabled?
Were you having difficulty flying towards the sun?
Turn off OA and see what difference that makes.
I flew it in all directions. The sun was clouded over mostly. Yes, I'm sure I had obstacle avoidance on but it was nowhere near anything. The odd thing was when it started ascending on it's own the height readings on my crystalsky wouldn't change until it was like 280 feet up. Just odd. I've never had any issues like that with my Mavic Air.
I flew it in all directions. The sun was clouded over mostly. Yes, I'm sure I had obstacle avoidance on but it was nowhere near anything. The odd thing was when it started ascending on it's own the height readings on my crystalsky wouldn't change until it was like 280 feet up. Just odd. I've never had any issues like that with my Mavic Air.
You've posted a photo facing directly into a bright sun.
There have been numerous reports of the OA system recognising a low, bright sun as an obstacle and trying to avoid it.
Your mention of difficulty descending makes me wonder if you had a gimbal guard fitted perhaps?
To look at recorded flight data and possibly solve some of the mystery ...
Go to DJI Flight Log Viewer
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight record from your phone or tablet.
Come back and post a link to the report it gives you.

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