Aerial Freaks Cyclops Vision Brushless Gimbal

Yes the install was really easy almost dont even need the instuctions. Im up loading the Un-boxing and Install video as i type this out.
If the whole gimball itself bouncing maybe you just need to decrease basic gains of phantom itself??? One more suggestion-decrease roll power setting p, try something around 120-130(i can see some roll shakes on your video)
Well after serveral hours of trial and error, I think i may have some pretty stable video. I have managed to get rid of most of the vibration, but not all. I few things that i wound up doing was adjust the PID setting in the gimbal controller. Now i may have been able to prevent doing thing but i think it helped alot on the stabilization and not just the vibration. I also changed the gains in the phantom too. I had to put the black dampners back on as the white were way too flimsy for this gimbal. but, the way i have got this to work well is having to put the white ones between the mount and the phantom body, this seems to give it some extra cushion. I also put a piece of foam in the front. I cant say this was plug and play, atleast not in my situation. It was only because you didnt have to do any major mechanic to it. software was a different story.
But here is the good part, ready for this? I put on a fresh set of new blades and that seemed to help a tremendous amount. So i will be ordering a blade balancer as soon as i can. If this was my main problem i wouldnt be surprised. Is it perfect? NO, but it will take some fine tuning and this will be a very stable gimbal.

I guess what i can say about my review for this gimbal is that it has some really good potential. The Setup was easy and the software is not that hard to get up and running. My curiosity is will some need to even mess with the software? idk i think if the phantom has very small vibration then installing this and being plug and play will be perfect. I do have some more testing to do tomorrow. but im happy that i bought this gimbal. I will call Heli-Direct tomorrow and let them know my findings and give them a go on the sales.

Overall this gimbal proves to work, has a reliable controller, and is sturdy enough to take a beating. but just like the other gimbals and this hobby there will always be some tinkering and changing setting to meet your needs.

I am still waiting for videos to upload and pictures to process so i will be getting them up as soon i they get done. Thanks to all that have helped and gave some advice during this.
Still on the fence between this one and the taco supreme V3. I think this one has the edge in build quality and the verdict is still out on operational characteristics. Hopefully in the next couple weeks someone who owns both will chime in and give a comparison.
Won't the official firmware of the gimbal make a lot of difference?
What do you mean by official firmware? It's the AlexMos controller with its software itself as it should be.

I'm sure it just need more adjustments and settings and it will work perfect. We see why rotorpixel took so long :)
lol sorry. I was talking to about 5 people when I wrote that.

What I mean is that as it uses a licensed AlexMos gimbal software/firmware, there should be regular updates to it to make it better?! I might be wrong but some of the other gimbals have a firmware that cant be updated.

Ok, I might be having a senior moment. I just checked the Rotorpixel one and it uses the same software.
This can be updated for sure. Licenced SW comes with the gimbal. But it runs the latest update its not a question of firmware. Macuser needs just to tune everything.
dave21 said:
This can be updated for sure. Licenced SW comes with the gimbal. But it runs the latest update its not a question of firmware. Macuser needs just to tune everything.

I agree with you, i think i just need more time to get it tuned just right. I hoping to get to do that today. Since i haven't messed with and tuned this board before, its made it a little slower process. Adjusting and flying, adjusting and flying. I have no doubt it will prove to be a stable gimbal. Just have to get to that point.


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Some more pictures with it on.


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SilentAV8R said:
From the video it appears the gimbal will not rotate to 90 degrees straight down. Is that correct?

Correct I hadnt adjusted the settings for that yet, it was only tilting to the default. only setting i had changed was the gains so that it wouldn't interfere with the Alexmos board.

I will try it tonight but i think all you have to do is adjust the limits.

Piranha, do you have this? or just the Alexmos board? If so what gimbal are you running and what settings worked for you? I know the weight and offsets will be different but i could try them.
I talked to Larry at Heli-Direct a few mins ago and told him what i thought about the gimbal and he says they are shipping them now. If any one on here has ordered one let me know your experience and how well yours worked for you.
Thanks for the pics. From what i see the gimbal remains just above the table. I thunk the taller P2V+ landing gear will improve the clearence. Need to wait when this spare part will be for sale. Macuser can u say that the lower fiber controller plate is necessary? Undoing it with the four metal holdin screws can put down few grams.

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