550 Pilot's lounge

The power and signal wires are long by default, the E600 is made for larger 600-800 MRs. Seems they're never long enough though, there are always people needing more, especially the ones facing the motor wires out and tucking them back in for bottom-mounted ESCs.
ElGuano said:
The power and signal wires are long by default, the E600 is made for larger 600-800 MRs. Seems they're never long enough though, there are always people needing more, especially the ones facing the motor wires out and tucking them back in for bottom-mounted ESCs.
OK-got it. Forgot you were running the E600 package. Yea, the DJI30A ESC have about 2.5" wires for the mains-that pretty much dictates how far you can mount it and where-IMHO.
havasuphoto said:
OK-got it. Forgot you were running the E600 package. Yea, the DJI30A ESC have about 2.5" wires for the mains-that pretty much dictates how far you can mount it and where-IMHO.

Yeah, that seems really short for a 30A ESC! My preference is to always resolder to lengthen, or cut to shorten connectors to my specific needs...but shortening is easier than lengthening ;)
ElGuano said:
havasuphoto said:
OK-got it. Forgot you were running the E600 package. Yea, the DJI30A ESC have about 2.5" wires for the mains-that pretty much dictates how far you can mount it and where-IMHO.

Yeah, that seems really short for a 30A ESC! My preference is to always resolder to lengthen, or cut to shorten connectors to my specific needs...but shortening is easier than lengthening ;)
Yep-we're going short. Something tells me that heating those wires too many times to solder and de-solder is just not good for the ESC. They got hot...the wires that is.
I just want to keep it simple, and reliable.
Acill said:
Hey everyone! Just got my F550 together with a Woo Kong-M system. Love it so far. I am still waiting for my extended skids to get here and I will put my FPV system in. GoPro Hero 3+ Black based with a Tarot Gimbal and a separate CCD for just forward FPV viewing attached to a video switcher with IOS mini and some other goodies. Pics to follow soon.

Hey Bro!!! What up??? Good to see you got your bird in the air. ****.....you got the Woo Kong-M System!!! That is a rock solid system. Which skids did you get? The Tarot Gimbal is a good way to start while you are geting your feet wet...in the event of a crash since it doesn't cause as much as the H3-D3 gimbal to replace. Looking forward to see some videos and pix of your F550. This stuff is an addiction.....like crack. LOL!!!
havasuphoto said:
How did you get so lucky to have those long ESC main wires? Mine are down to about 2".

The E300 systems in the new kits come with crazy long wires. Mine are still the extra long stock length and need to be cut and soldered again. I'm just to lazy to do it right now and looped em and secured with a zip tie.
FangsCPO said:
Hey Bro!!! What up??? Good to see you got your bird in the air. ****.....you got the Woo Kong-M System!!! That is a rock solid system. Which skids did you get? The Tarot Gimbal is a good way to start while you are geting your feet wet...in the event of a crash since it doesn't cause as much as the H3-D3 gimbal to replace. Looking forward to see some videos and pix of your F550. This stuff is an addiction.....like crack. LOL!!!

I got the same skids you have only still waiting for them to get in. The Tarot isnt a bad gimbal at all. I like it so far. I just need the **** skids to mount it!! The WooKong-M is awesome but has a lot more components then the Naza so its been a challenge to make things as clean as i want, but I got it nice and stable so far. Skids should be here tomorrow.
Acill said:
havasuphoto said:
How did you get so lucky to have those long ESC main wires? Mine are down to about 2".

The E300 systems in the new kits come with crazy long wires. Mine are still the extra long stock length and need to be cut and soldered again. I'm just to lazy to do it right now and looped em and secured with a zip tie.
Yea-but those are only 15A ESC....I needed 30A, so I'm stuck with the short wires. We'll make it work.
What's the current draw on your motors at full throttle? The ESCs on the e600 are 20A and that seems to be sufficient.
OI Photography said:
havasuphoto said:
ElGuano said:
What's the current draw on your motors at full throttle? The ESCs on the e600 are 20A and that seems to be sufficient.
19.54 amps on 4S.

Each motor?
Yeah, that sounds high. What motors are these again, they must be absolute monsters! Even a TM 3510 maxes out at 8A/motor on 4S, and a good ESC in proper airflow can handle higher than rated continuous draw...

That is going to be quite a lifter.
OI Photography said:
havasuphoto said:
ElGuano said:
What's the current draw on your motors at full throttle? The ESCs on the e600 are 20A and that seems to be sufficient.
19.54 amps on 4S.

Each motor?
Yea-each motor, I think.
They're T-motor 2814-10-770Kv, and I got that figure from Engine Maximum on E-calc....so, I don't know if that's 100% correct or not.
ElGuano said:
According to t-motor, max 23.6A/motor on 4S with 13" props.
OK...so I'm good on 4S with 11's and 12's with 30A ESC...?
I've hovered it with these engines on 4S with 12X4.5...that cooked the old ??? ESC's. was told they were 4s compatible 30A-but I don't think they were. I think they were probably hobby king(red board) with Simon K flash. Those ESC's are in the trash ;)

Should have everything soldered in and mounted in a couple of days. I'm not doing it..having someone that's built a dozen 550's do that work......then I'll tidy things up with heat shrink, zip ties, and hot glue!!(yea, got a gun and everything).

Isn't the E600 on 6S?
havasuphoto said:
ElGuano said:
According to t-motor, max 23.6A/motor on 4S with 13" props.
OK...so I'm good on 4S with 11's and 12's with 30A ESC...?
I've hovered it with these engines on 4S with 12X4.5...that cooked the old ??? ESC's. was told they were 4s compatible 30A-but I don't think they were. I think they were probably hobby king(red board) with Simon K flash. Those ESC's are in the trash ;)

Should have everything soldered in and mounted in a couple of days. I'm not doing it..having someone that's built a dozen 550's do that work......then I'll tidy things up with heat shrink, zip ties, and hot glue!!(yea, got a gun and everything).

Isn't the E600 on 6S?
11 and 12" draw slightly less at full than 13".
DJI 30A ESCs are overdesigned by about 600%, you should be good (doesn't mean you can push 180A through each though, but they can probably do 60A in burst in airflow). But f you're pulling that through a battery, better make sure your wiring and connectors are up to snuff. EC5?

OI, I'm told E600s should draw 11.5a/motor at full throttle on 6S. At 600g/axis, 3-4A at hover. We shall see :)
No, using XT-60. Don't see that I need to draw that many amps-according to E-calc. I won't be using 13's. I'll start with the 11X5 E-graup's I had on before. I do have APC MR 12X4.5's I wanna try too.
AUW should be right around 3200 grams. I have 4S8000 mah readymade "orange" batteries-will only fly 1 battery set-up, not duals. it's fat enough as it is. But-according to my calculations, I should be fine.
Yeah just be careful with your full throttle runs. At 11", that's still over 80A. Genuine nylon xt60s can probably handle it for short periods but some knockoffs have been known to melt/burn.

I would personally move to connectors and wiring that can handle max sustained load, engineer it to last and all that :)

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