signal loss

  1. J

    Tx signal Lost Phantom 1

    I havent flied this phantom in years, i just fixed the issue about the battery and replaced it and after that, i tried binding the drone to the remote using this tutorial After that it kept flashing yellow lights indicating a signal lost. So how do i fix this
  2. A

    How to solve connection issues once for all

    I wanted to share my experience with the Phantom 3 SE. I had continuous connection issues recently even at very short ranges (meters). Controller disconnection and video signal loss all the rage. "Strong wireless interference" message popping out frequently. After take off and at a distance of...
  3. D

    DJI Phantom 3 Standard: Range is less than 200 feet, Constant Connection Issues

    I'm having several problems that may all be related: I experience "signal lost" status and RTH kicks in whenever I fly about 200 feet away. I constantly have "Strong Interference: Fly With Caution" no matter where I fly (city or rural). I almost always have either "Weak Image Transmission" or...
  4. M

    Phantom 3 professional losing signal a few feet away.

    Good afternoon! At the beginning of the year I acquired a Phantom 3 Professional, it has always been a beauty to fly with it, going to distance and huge altitudes, but recently I am facing some problems. I always made flights with altitudes above 200 meters, reaching the limit of 500 meters...
  5. Ripper7620

    Solving the weak signal problem

    i was having problems with the signal dropping out at relatively short distances, so I did some research and if you switch from the 5.8Ghrz band to the 2.4Ghrz band in the HD setting, it will for the most part, eliminate any problems with signal loss, and will significantly increase your ability...
  6. J

    Drop out after ~100m (previously 600-800+)

    Hey guys. Haven't been flying as much as I used to due to working 6 days a week. I've kept the drone up to date with software and making sure the batteries are in good health every so often but haven't properly flown it. When I did get a chance though I found I couldn't get more than 60-100m...
  7. David Cooke

    Humidity Failures?

    Others have talked about loss of range or poor video/optics due to humidity but today I flew in a rural farm area with no known interference sources ( where I have flown many times) and I lost signal almost from the time I took off. Video was choppy but control was fine. Take a look. RED is bad...
  8. B

    Suddenly Having Connectivity Issues

    I've had my P3P for about 3 months. Everything has worked perfectly up until 3 days ago. Now I'm having connectivity issues. I keep losing my connection and having to use the return to home feature when the Drone is literally only 750 to 1000 ft away. I'm flying in the same area that I've always...
  9. RadRocket

    Sketchy RTH

    Just want to know if this happens to other pilots. First- I fly to max range, weak signal begins to flash. I continue to fly until signal lost. Second- after a moment RTH kicks in with an audible beeping. third- It goes into Atti mode (haven't touched anything) RTH stops. fourth-I try to...
  10. D

    RC Signal Loss at Only 100 Feet

    Hi Got a Phantom 3 Standard, only last week, and was impressed by the technology. However I am getting so many error messages I am now wondering if something is wrong with it. Today I took it out into the 'middle of nowhere' as I was getting regular 'electromagnetic interference' warnings in...
  11. Stevedots


  12. SoCalDude

    Updated to v.Latest (here are my results) . . .

    Okay, I was "living on the edge" last night. I updated everything that I could to the latest available versions—P4, RC, DJI Go (iOS). Refer to version summary below. Additionally, last night, I re-calibrated everything, including IMU, VPS, gimbal, and even the RC controller sticks. On the way...
  13. M

    RTH Issue, Distance Issue, and more...

    Hello Everyone! So today I had three problems with my P3P at Baylands Park in Sunnyvale. 1) Return to home did not function. I lost signal completely at about 1700 feet away. My P3P was supposed to come home to the successfully recorded home point after three seconds of being disconnected to...
  14. Patrick Pedersen

    Can I downgrade to the previous firmware?Signal loss but only the image,RC still working as normal.

    Hi again you all, I 'm now starting to panic a lot, got a job this weekend were I'll be flying over a 60 meter high bridge and 700 meter downwards and over an old town and back. After I updated the firmware in both the camera, the RC and the drone itself I've been having some real problem due...
  15. Patrick Pedersen

    Loss of signal to the drone

    Hi again everybody, After my latest firmware update I've been having some issues with the signal (it have NEVER happened earlier!), I keep loosing it all the time. For five minutes ago I flew a "few" meters over the allowed 120 meter above ground and the signal was just great, when descending I...
  16. RodPad

    Phantom 3-Std Weak Remote Signal

    I was having no problems up to Aug 20th with anything. I believe my unit did an update before Aug 22nd on the second battery, but never flew it until the 22nd. Anyways now I can get as little as 40' away and I get week remote signal (Transmitter) If I keep going and it will go into RTH. The...
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