
Oh my goodness this this guy is so much fun to fly. Very exhilarating, especially at first because there is some nervousness mixed in. I am soo glad I bought an extra battery. Battery #3 on the way. They also charge pretty quick... maybe from ~20% to 100% in 90 minutes or so. So far no hard landings or crashes, just a few close calls.

The video quality is pretty gorgeous as well. Only qualm is the pan of the camera is one speed only. But that is a small complaint, really.

I put the phantom in Naza-M mode first and forgot to change the program of S1 down position from the default "manual" mode to "F/S" fail safe mode. I got pretty far away and the phantom was down wind from us, so when I switched it into manual mode, it was going the wrong way! I thought I had a fly-away on my first flight! Switched back to GPS mode and made it back AOK. I can't wait to take it out again tomorrow. My 5 year old son just loves it as well. This baby is so easy to fly I just might let him drive sooner rather than later.

Yup. Crashed it. :'(

Just started acting really weird and had a hard landing. I Was being extra careful. About 100ft above me, bringing it down. Started acting like it was dodging bullets or something.

Gimbal goes wacko now and gets really hot if I leave it turned on for a few minutes (while I tried the IMU calibration for some desperate reason). Nothing seems loose like some others were talking about. Ribbon cable slightly scuffed but upon close inspection seems well enough. Guess I need a new gimbal now. Have no idea how much that is going to cost, or how long it will take. Really super bummed.
Sorry for your problems.....
In all the posts on this web site, for the P2V+ the camera/gimbal seems to be weak point, in this other wise hardy bird.
Had it happen to me .(VRS crash)(camera does the crazy dance) I tried going through DJI web site for help/repairs, since I bought it from on line sales, I got an e-mail saying to send it back to China :?
Ordered a new camera/gimbal from dronefly.com ($679.00+shipping). If your handy and careful, you can change it out yourself. You can also send your bird to Dronefly and for a flat $99.00 labor charge + parts ($) they do the repair work.
Call them first, nice people to work with

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