Where to find 3D printer files for larger battery door?

Jan 17, 2014
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On Thingiverse are several 3D printer files to be found for Phantom related objects, but not yet for larger battery doors. Does anyone know of a source for such files?
Check Shapeways or Ebay
usually u send a 3d model to the 3d printer. 3d models are done with software such as inventor, pro e, solidworks. I have solidworks, I could draw the 3d model using my phantom as a guide.
If you could recreate the door in such a way and make the files available so people with access to a 3D printer could use them to manufacture it and alter the relevant dimensions to their needs, or provide a set with for instance 5mm increments in length of the door that would be great. As long as the hinge and the fit to the body contour and snap-lock are correct we should basically be able to make the rest of the door any shape we want.
I could also do a 3D file, but I don't have a P1, so I've no idea what this model needs to look like.

I guess someone could take photos and anntoate them. However the other important thing with 3D modelling is getting accurate measurements.
I have one of those cheap digital vernier measuring gauges. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/6-150mm-Vern ... 35d2f28c01

Which is great for getting accurate measurements of existing items before I design new replacements.

I use Blender, which is an excellent free 3D modelling program, ( http://www.blender.org/ ) but the learning curve is very very steep.

If anyone is any good at programming, OpenSCad is another good choice to create 3D models, as you can do it with precision, as everything is defined in text file full of commands.

Alternatively Google Sketchup is also a really good 3D modelling tool, but I found it too restrictive.
RogerClark said:
I use Blender, which is an excellent free 3D modelling program, ( http://www.blender.org/ ) but the learning curve is very very steep.

Alternatively Google Sketchup is also a really good 3D modelling tool, but I found it too restrictive.
Blender, gonna have to check that out later. I currently use sketchup and want to try another.
There is tinkercad.com as well. Found that one on the shapeways tutorial.

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