What is your flight time/battery life. Mine is 12 min?

Aug 29, 2015
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just a little background, i got a 2nd hand ebay crash special and after a month of work i have my camera and everything else working. With this i can now see the app and all the FPV data that comes with it, that pretty cool i have to say. My question relates to actual flight times. I have 3 batteries, 2 of them new and when i get the bird in the air the app across the top gives me a 12-14 min flight time. Is this normal? i thought i'd be getting in the low 20's but that was just an assumption. With my used battery its about 9 min... Just to be clear this is the actual number displayed across the top of the app screen that counts down as you fly.

Also i am flying in pretty hot weather with 95 ish temps at about 2500 feet so the air is a little thin..

just a little background, i got a 2nd hand ebay crash special and after a month of work i have my camera and everything else working. With this i can now see the app and all the FPV data that comes with it, that pretty cool i have to say. My question relates to actual flight times. I have 3 batteries, 2 of them new and when i get the bird in the air the app across the top gives me a 12-14 min flight time. Is this normal? i thought i'd be getting in the low 20's but that was just an assumption. With my used battery its about 9 min... Just to be clear this is the actual number displayed across the top of the app screen that counts down as you fly.

Also i am flying in pretty hot weather with 95 ish temps at about 2500 feet so the air is a little thin..

That sounds pretty normal, when you need a new battery, think about the limefuel 6000, gives just a little longer flight time, plus a one year guarantee.
Was about to post a new thread in the P2 non-vision section when I saw your post. Might post there anyway because I'm curious.

When I first started looking at the P2 I was intrigued by the claims of 20 to 25 minute flight times. Now that I own a couple of them the realization has come that that flight time must be with absolutely nothing else on the thing. My P2 has a Vision main board and flight controller, V2.1 ESC's, upgraded motors (rebuilt an Ebay special as well), 9450 props, Zenmuse H3-3D, IRC 600mw VTX and 3+ Black GoPro.

On one flight today with a fresh battery, the GoPro was fired up and there was about 30 seconds or so "on the pad" while I made sure the GPS home lock had been set. The flight went fine and when the battery level hit 30% I brought it back and landed at 21%. It tries to auto-land at 20%, which is fine. When I shut the GoPro off it had been recording for 11m 20s. Batteries are fairly new, low cycle OEM DJI 5200mah.

I really like the P2 but am outgrowing the platform fairly quickly. A Tarot 680 Pro build seems inevitable. Beyond that and I might as well start a production company.
With the limefuel 6000, stock P2+v3, landing it at 27 percent, best I can get is 14 minutes. It will try to autoland at 14-15 percent.
Friend with the same set-up, has 2 dji batteries, over 50 flights each, gets just over 10 minutes landing at about 29 percent.

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