Utah proposal to allow police to shoot down drones

I saw that a couple of days ago. Pretty ridiculous from politicians that should know better.
that is the same bill that Sen Harper decided not to move forward with during last year's legislative session. I guess he ironed out the details and is pressing it again? I seriously doubt it will pass though, even in a state like Utah.

Link to article from last years legislative session regarding this same bill
Link to article discussing this bill from later in the year (Haha Curt Oda needs to calm down, he was the teacher in my concealed carry class but his comment at the end of the article describes his personality well) I don't know why anyone thinks it is okay to discharge a firearm in city limits, that is not only reckless, but shows that you are only thinking of yourself.
I think until the Feds address some of the gray/analog areas you are going to see more and more state propose this type of legislation.

Bottom line is that the responsibility falls squarely on the FAA's shoulders and they are the agency that needs to deal with it.
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