UAV-Outlet Pre-Order Status

Delay? 2 hours? That's not delay. That's awesome. I have emailed you guys before and yiu guys are awesome in customer service
Hey uav. Are you a tier 1 dealer? May 1st is the date for every dealer??

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Any idea on when your shipments arrive? Have you received any indication on how many you're getting ie 10% of your preorders, 50%, 75%? I'm sure you don't want exact numbers out on the internet.
Thanks for posting an update here. I ordered from UAV-Outlet after seeing several helpful posts on the forums. I also called, and service was super friendly and accommodating. Typical google research turned up nothing but stellar feedback as well. As my first major drone purchase, I'm glad I found a reputable dealer so quickly by just lurking forums.

Exciting to see all the impatient frantic fans go nuts trying to track orders they have little to no control over. Ask a few more times and perhaps the cargo planes flying them over from China will fly a little faster.

Anyways, how much to move mine to the front of the line change my shipping to overnight? ;)
Matt C
Churchville, NY
Amazon takes a lot of cash from sellers, we prefer over the phone if possible..



While I did order my P3P from you through Amazon, all of my future orders will be direct!
Still waiting for full numbers..

Still waiting for full numbers..

Just a fraction for now, not sure on total numbers..

Fingers crossed, from what we heard all dealers are being shorted..

Is it too soon to ask about quantities en route?
I may have missed it but I have not seen an update from UAV-outlet recently. ALL E RC seems have done their first shipment to customers today. UAV-O, any update?
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I may have missed it but I have not seen an update from UAV-outlet recently. ALL E RC seems have done their first shipment to customers today. UAV-O, any update?
Yeah, was tempted to order one from all e rc when I saw that. Oh well I picked UAV I'll stay with them. Updates would be nice. Since the iOS stuff may not matter if it takes a bit longer.
I am sticking with them also even though my credit card has been charged. But if there are lengthy delays (I ordered advance) I may need to ask for a credit/recharge. All e RC claims they are getting P3A. I hope it's the save for our chosen dealer.

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