Two Problems with New P4

I get a message saying to calibrate the compass on pretty much every battery change and each new day, even when flying from the same spot. The craft doesn't move more than about 30 feet overnight.

No problems with the drone itself but could that constant "recalibration" notice be from the local wire and building interference near me?

I've never had constant compass recalibration notifications, and I don't think I've ever seen one, ever. I'm guessing nobody else here in this forum has constant compass recalibration notices either. Guys?

You should be good to fly from the same place without constant compass calibrations, unless something strange is occurring in that area, magnetically. You might try another location. If it does that everywhere, I think you've got a h/w problem, faulty compass. You shouldn't be getting those notices all the time.
Just bought a new P4 to use while my main one is in the shop. Having two major issues, both from the very first flight.

1. Bird drifting when hovering. A good distance too.

2. Can't fly a straight line. If I put throttle straight up I start in a straight line and after about 10 seconds I start veering off, mainly to the left and it stays in this pattern further I go.

Any suggestions as to how I might solve before returning for exchange? I did Compass and Controller calibrations... Also on a side note, both sets of props had a yellowish/greenish color to them like when you leave something out in the sun. They do not look warped or damaged in anyway. Thanks.

Sent my P4 in for repair, it was doing the same thing. In addition to that, it would fly backward although it was disabled. Hope when it returns all is fixed.
When I sent my P4 into DJI for the yoyo problem, they exchanged my craft for a brand new one. It was pristine new, shiney, had stickers on it, not even a fingerprint. I looked it over with a magnifying glass, couldn't find any signs it was previously touched, much less flown. I'm not sure they ship refurbs unless the returned craft was crashed. My craft was in excellent condition when I returned it. I haven't read about anyone saying.... "the craft is a different serial number than I sent in, and it's got scratches, mars, obviously not new". I have read a lot of cynical comments about fears of refurbs from DJI, but I haven't seen evidence or testimonials of this actually happening, unless I missed something.

Funny thing is, I found out later my 60' YOYO problem was likely caused by a gimbal guard I installed. However when I returned the craft they said to remove all accessories, so I did. When they got the craft it was likely just fine, yet they replaced it. My flight records I provided them apparently showed a problem in navigation, showing the 60' YOYO,up and down, with no stick input. However, they didn't know it had a gimbal guard installed, which messed with the VPS..... which I found out about after I got the new craft.
If you need a testimony of one that received a different P4 from DJI repair, I raise my hand. When I questioned them able it, they denied it at first but when I told them I had photo evidence (and I do) that the serial number on the one I sent was different than the one sent to me, they said "oh, I see now, your P4 couldn't be repaired so we replaced it." Talked to a tech supervisor about the issue and he said that in many cases they simply "swap" the P4s and not repair them. Another way to confirm this is if you use Healthy Drones, the name and the serial number of the P4 shows up in the flight/drone information. The one sent to me had more problems than the one I sent in for repair. Thankfully, after a few hours on the phone and the pile of forms to fill out again, I now wait for another one. I'm sure it will not be the same one sent in to them.
If you need a testimony of one that received a different P4 from DJI repair, I raise my hand. When I questioned them able it, they denied it at first but when I told them I had photo evidence (and I do) that the serial number on the one I sent was different than the one sent to me, they said "oh, I see now, your P4 couldn't be repaired so we replaced it." Talked to a tech supervisor about the issue and he said that in many cases they simply "swap" the P4s and not repair them. Another way to confirm this is if you use Healthy Drones, the name and the serial number of the P4 shows up in the flight/drone information. The one sent to me had more problems than the one I sent in for repair. Thankfully, after a few hours on the phone and the pile of forms to fill out again, I now wait for another one. I'm sure it will not be the same one sent in to them.
Same thing Apple does.. Give you a new (mostly reconditioned) product then fix yours down the line and give that to someone else. Problem is if your BRAND NEW DRONE or PHONE breaks, you send it in and get a reconditioned item your item isn't brand new anymore.
Sent my P4 in for repair, it was doing the same thing. In addition to that, it would fly backward although it was disabled. Hope when it returns all is fixed.
You cannot disable backward flying, unless you are referring to OAS and it encounters an object, where, with OAS turned on, you can enable autonomous backwards flight as an OAS avoidance option.

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