Two phantoms at the same time

Jul 5, 2013
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Just bought my new phantom today. :D (yaaay!)

Tomorrow I am going to fly with my friend who also got an phantom. Will there be any problems? Crosstalk?

Better to be safe than sorrow. :ugeek:
I have seen video of multiple phantom's flying from NAB, and some other stuff on YouTube, so I would assume it is possible.

Having said that though.....

DJI won't let you use any other 2.4GHZ device - like the GoPro WiFi at the same time because of interference.

Would I do it? Most likely not.

Be careful. Be prepared to have both of you turn your radio's off in the event of erratic flying to turn on the Return to Home feature.

Hope this helps

The only problem would be if you get too close to each other and forget who's who. ;)

The radios are bound to the receiver, and are capable of channel hopping to avoid channels already in use nearby .

If that's true, then why can't we use the WIFI transmitter in the GoPro at the same time as the Phantom.

I would agree with you it should be able to channel hop, but people on other forums I visited once said that DJI said NOT to use more than 1 2.4GHZ device.

Wifi may cause interference having another wifi tx (the camera) being so close to the phantoms tx. It most likely wont cause an issue and I did some flying with wifi on but its just one more risk with very little benefit due to the gopro wifi limitations.

The gopro wifi range is pretty weak for video and has a big lag so its not useful for any type of FPV use but can help framing prior to takeoff. I guess its also possible that you could cause interference between multiple phantoms though this is also unlikely, much more likely you will crash into eachother then have a signal issue.

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