The weather outside....

Dec 13, 2013
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Anyone else getting ancy for some flight time? ****, my PV2 arrived late due to the bad weather around New Years and since then I have had time for 1 flight outside lasting maybe 15mins. It has otherwise been raining or snowing heavily. I have resorted to doing what I said I would not....indoor flying. Thankfully there have been no plants chopped up but after 4 flights I did have one crash resulting in three destroyed blades. A quick order via UAV products had me ready to fly two days later. Finally, I awake today to head for Ithaca to my sons hockey game and some flying around the gorges...but wait, it's snowing heavily (again). ****. Perhaps some de-icer on the blades and we'll be flying high?

How about the rest of you.... Weather related groundings an issue? Anyone ever do any head to head competitions for flying skills?
Waterborne said:
How about the rest of you.... Weather related groundings an issue?

Same here. Either rain, snow, extreme cold or high winds. Sometimes mother nature likes to mess with me and mixes a few of them together.

Sung to the tune of Let it Snow..

The weather outside is crappy
I can't fly my Vision so I'm not happy
Super-D said:
Waterborne said:
How about the rest of you.... Weather related groundings an issue?

Same here. Either rain, snow, extreme cold or high winds. Sometimes mother nature likes to mess with me and mixes a few of them together.

Sung to the tune of Let it Snow..

The weather outside is crappy
I can't fly my Vision so I'm not happy

****, all flights still grounded. This is painful. More white sh%# still dropping from the sky.
It was supposed to be overcast today with 10% chance of rain. It is sunny with rain. ;-} Also, it's just at freezing and the roads are becoming evil. Indoor stick time with a toy quad is just not the same.

I've flown in 20 mph winds (gusting higher) and it is like a contest all of its own - with GPS on and hover, the Phantom was at about 15 degrees angle maintaining (sort of) location. Lost it to gusts a couple of times but the GPS was more persistent than me and managed to slow the runaway until I could gain control and get it back near me. Flight time was low - the battery drain due to fighting everything was telling.

I would sure like a nice sunny day with no wind. I'm tired of gray weather and crappy contrasts.
Sunny and gorgeous (temps in the 40s) every day, for the foreseeable future. But we're in a severe drought. Flying will give us something to do while we die of thirst.
ladykate said:
It was supposed to be overcast today with 10% chance of rain. It is sunny with rain. ;-} Also, it's just at freezing and the roads are becoming evil. Indoor stick time with a toy quad is just not the same.

I've flown in 20 mph winds (gusting higher) and it is like a contest all of its own - with GPS on and hover, the Phantom was at about 15 degrees angle maintaining (sort of) location. Lost it to gusts a couple of times but the GPS was more persistent than me and managed to slow the runaway until I could gain control and get it back near me. Flight time was low - the battery drain due to fighting everything was telling.

I would sure like a nice sunny day with no wind. I'm tired of gray weather and crappy contrasts.

I've flown my Phantom in roughly 22 mph winds without a problem. You must have had some really high wind speeds for the gusts if your Phantom was having trouble holding station. I can hardly wait for Spring to arrive as well. It's hard having to wait sometimes a week or two at a time between flying. I was worried I couldn't fly again after yesterday for another week but I think I may be in luck today with a break from the snow / rain for a quick flight or two.
We were supposed to get a little rain today. It's pouring and mixed with heavy snow. Both at the same time, is ridiculous. I just came home and slid off the main road onto my street, going about 15 mph... fark!

Sunny and calm in Arizona.....and has been for about 3 weeks (which is as long as I have had my phantom!) I have been lucky to be able to fly almost everyday a couple times a day! Our winds usually pick up in the spring, so I will be grounded a bunch then.
Perhaps those who live in locations that are currently warm, windless and devoid of precipitation should refrain from posting in this's making the rest of us grumpier :lol:
BenDronePilot said:
I've flown my Phantom in roughly 22 mph winds without a problem. You must have had some really high wind speeds for the gusts if your Phantom was having trouble holding station.

Yep. Today is a good example (of when not to go out). 20 gusting to 40. I was down by the river and the gusts were pushing it towards the river (Missouri - fast and muddy) - makes you worry a little.

I'm going to Lake Havasu in a few weeks - gonna get me a GoProfessional case and drag the Phantom along - tired of this crap. Of course, the Moab in February is famous for high winds but they die off in the evening. I shoot fireworks and last time I was out there I shot a rocket up with a camera/chute on it to about 2000 feet and I believe the camera landed in Mexico - at least that was the direction it was going when it caught the updraft and went out of sight.
Too windy around here every day. It's either a cold northerly or a warm Southerly. Today is warm and windy as hell.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
PropsPete said:
Freezing (currently -1.3 F) every day since I got my P2V. No joy of flying my toy. Seem to be like this for an other week or so.

"And then depression set in"- Bill Murray from Stripes
Tomorrow's weather: westerly winds 25-35 with gusts to 50mph. At least it won't be snowing! Well, it is 5 o'clock and my friend Sam (Adams) is calling. Apologies I started this dreary thread...
OI Photography said:
Perhaps those who live in locations that are currently warm, windless and devoid of precipitation should refrain from posting in this's making the rest of us grumpier :lol:

Well, you can gloat this summer when it's 110 degrees here and I have to hide inside to keep from over heating while you enjoy perfect weather in TN! Now is the time that living in AZ is a dream!
I got out for the second time time since 1/2 to fly. First barrier was trying to calibrate the compass. Made sure not to wear any ferrous items and had my son handle the RC to toggle S1. Calibration lights came on and I spun multiple circles per the video but the lights never changed. I was out in the middle of the yard, even away from septic and any buried lines into the house. Failed to calibrate :oops: Any thoughts?

I flew anyways since the predicted winds had not kicked in. Temp 20deg F. After two mins of visual flying, I went to try the iPhone for FPV flying. At first thought the glare was too much but quickly realized there was no power to the iPhone 5. Odd, it had a full charge walking outside. Sure as shoot, once I went back inside and plugged it in, it powered back on with a near full charge. Outside in the cold and she would not start. Anyone else have this problem and a work-around? :? :?:

Total flight time: 6 mins and change (I didn't want to press my luck without the data via iPhone). I had already hit record and was able to recover that video once inside from the SD card.

Baby steps to getting into some real flying....and some frustration. Maybe it's time to tell my wife about my "conference" coming up and book a trip to someplace warm, dry and flyer friendly! :D

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