So my P3A flew away today or did it?

Yes. Course lock was only used on flight 1, not the second flight.
"I can't imagine how you could be a member here"
Wow, I am sorry about that!

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No that's not it at all. I calibrated the compass. And the battery was fully charged when I first took off. I landed after less than a MINUTE and restarted the Phantom because for some reason the camera tilt was not responding. BTW, I NEVER take off without a full battery other than something like this. It's not like I was a driving around the sky for 15 minutes and landed and then restarted and took off at full throttle. I thought the low battery issue was more about falling out of the sky not doing crazy/flyaway stuff.

I already located the landed in my yard. Like I've said I have no idea what happened. I lost situational awareness and it landed? Meanwhile I got punked by someone else flying a Phantom that I thought was me? Geez, I would like to figure out what is going on. I've already posted the txt file to both HD and the phantomhelp site.

Without the requested txt file I can't diagnose what took place. The websites you mentioned uploading the txt file to only use a small portion of the available data that is on the txt file. HD uses maybe a dozen data categories, where the PH site uses just under 40. With the txt file itself I have access to around 180 data categories. The DAT file has less data categories then the txt, but it offers some different selections of data that the txt does not have.

Anytime your aircraft is buzzing around the sky with little to no control, it's because it doesn't know where it's at. This means it doesn't know where Home Point is located. In some cases the aircraft is able to buzz around and orient itself enough to RTH. However, anytime your aircraft does anything irregular, you should land it before the worse happens.
Let's try this again...

Dropbox - DJIFlightRecord_2016-07-01_[18-22-32][1].txt

Dropbox - DJIFlightRecord_2016-07-01_[18-25-13][1].txt

Dropbox - DJIFlightRecord_2016-07-01_[18-38-36][1].txt

Dropbox - DJIFlightRecord_2016-07-01_[18-39-47][1].txt

Okay, I get you wouldn't want to look at all of my logs. Me neither...if I knew what I was looking for. Based on my uploads to HD, I believe the flight you want to look at is from 1839 hrs. So that would be the last file or Mr. Toad's Wild Ride as I like to call it. As far as failed I dunno that's what I want to find out. Looks like I buzzed around and over flew my neighbors house which is something I wouldn't intentionally do. But I'm guessing you will be able to see controller inputs when this thing was over my neighbors house and then you can see the point at which it landed...which I'm guessing will also show controller inputs to bring it down. Thanks in advance for looking.
As far as failed I dunno that's what I want to find out. Looks like I buzzed around and over flew my neighbors house which is something I wouldn't intentionally do. But I'm guessing you will be able to see controller inputs when this thing was over my neighbors house and then you can see the point at which it landed...which I'm guessing will also show controller inputs to bring it down. Thanks in advance for looking.

From Dashware the control inputs and the map.
Where would you say your stick movements do not match the P3s?
Wow Luap that is a wonderful display. I need to learn how to do that. Well...I've grounded my P3A after all this. Because what the data shows and what I saw leads me to conclude that 1. Loss of orientation/situational awareness. 2. Another Phantom was being flown in and around the same airspace. That would explain why I couldn't control the aircraft I saw. I was EXTREMELY lucky that in all stick moves, I landed it on the North side of my house, outside of VLOS without crashing. It would explain why I saw the Phantom landing East of me near the East holding pond. That would explain why my neighbor, my wife and I spent 2-3 hours looking for it in the trees and in and around the East holding pond. No Phantom found but I did scare a deer that was in the dry holding pond.

What am I going to do about it? Well, until that flight I was always flying in the morning between 0900-1200 hrs. I suppose the light being different in the evening contributed to my error. So it looks like I have a neighbor with a P3 or other Phantom. Woohoo. Anyway, I will do a better job of maintaining visual line of sight of my P3A.

Before I fly it again I will mount a Trackimo GPS device on to AND a strobe light. There will be no doubt that is or isn't my bird in the sky! And if it does "fly away" I should be able to track it down with the Trackimo...assuming cell service. Which we do have pretty good coverage here.

Thank you all for contributing to my education about this flight. Now which one of you live on the East side of Tallahassee...near Chaires Crossroad and punked me...punked me good. :)
After not finding anything wrong with your flight,other then the weird stick activity near the end. I used your info to put together my 1st TXT version of Luap-mania.

Very nice. Haven't seen a second Phantom flying around again but then again I don't hang out in the heat much. Thank you for putting that video together. The stick movement at the end may be me when I think the other bird is mine and I'm trying to control it.
What a horrible experience! I would be very reluctant to go up again without a definitive answer but I'm just not buying this "2nd Phantom" theory. In all my years of flying with 2.4ghz flight controllers I've never experienced someone else stepping on my controller.
I would recalibrate the IMU and compass, making sure you're well away from any magnetic sources for the compass recalibration.
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No. Not stepping on my controller at all. The behavior of the phantom I saw did not match the data. Mine, unknown to me, landed after only 6 minutes.. All I saw was disconnected message on the tablet and a Phantom overhead. Flying around and around not under my control. But it sure was freaky.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using PhantomPilots mobile app
Thanks Happydays but I don't think I ever considered it. It was disorientation and loss of situational awareness. Had to be. Only explanation of no apparent control. There had to be a second bird. After all mine landed on the other side of my house and it fits the flight data shown in the earlier posts. But what I saw was entirely different. It took off to the East of me and then fly back overheard, hovered and eventually took off again and appeared to be landing by the holding pond. Thinking it was mine and a flyaway I went to investigate and searched for about 3 hours, coming up with nothing. Upon returning home, my daughter found were it had safely my yard but out of VLOS.
Very nice. Haven't seen a second Phantom flying around again but then again I don't hang out in the heat much. Thank you for putting that video together. The stick movement at the end may be me when I think the other bird is mine and I'm trying to control it.

I think after having another look at it, it looks like the stick movement was taking place after you landed and powered down the motors.

Btw, the reason only a few of us analyze flight data, create gauges and use dashware, and upload to youtube, because it takes stupid amounts of hours to do even a 5 minute video. The main bottle neck to the process is dashware. It takes like a little over one hour for each 5 minutes of video to render. So if I were to put together a 12 minute video the rendering alone would be close to 3hrs. However, we do what we do because, A-nobody else out there anywhere does what we do, and B- because we like helping fellow pilots out.
I think after having another look at it, it looks like the stick movement was taking place after you landed and powered down the motors.


This supports my theory that I was disoriented and another bird was overhead. I was thinking it was my bird and trying to fly it. Sometimes it would appear to match my stick movements and other times not. Obviously I was not linked to a second bird. Lesson learned: Keep your eyes on the bird. Install Trackimo. Install strobe. Doubtful the other bird will have the same strobe if it flys over my yard at the same time as I do.

And thanks very much to both of you for spinning my data thru Dashware. I've downloaded it and set up to use the Datcon conversion data. So next time I will give it ago. But yikes! 3 -to 5 hours to render?
This supports my theory that I was disoriented and another bird was overhead. I was thinking it was my bird and trying to fly it. Sometimes it would appear to match my stick movements and other times not. Obviously I was not linked to a second bird. Lesson learned: Keep your eyes on the bird. Install Trackimo. Install strobe. Doubtful the other bird will have the same strobe if it flys over my yard at the same time as I do.

And thanks very much to both of you for spinning my data thru Dashware. I've downloaded it and set up to use the Datcon conversion data. So next time I will give it ago. But yikes! 3 -to 5 hours to render?

Yeah dashware needs some serious updating. I know nothing about this type of stuff but we would probably be better if someone on here comes along that would be able to do it.

Next time you get in to a situation like you did, it may be better to just stop, hover, and yaw the aircraft while watching the devices fpv to view if you in deed have control, or not.
I think I misunderstood him to land and then relaunch again.

I land and relaunch all the time.. never had a problem.
i don't of course take off if i don't have enough battery to land back at home, but this is like saying you can't leave for work unless your gas tank is 100% full.
it takes a certain amount of juice to power these things, as long as that is present while flying, the overall amount is irrelevant.

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