RANGE? Immersion 600mw tx, with Spironets

extrememc said:
Looking to add a BlK Pearl to my setup. Has anyone purchase from these guys? http://www.rangevideo.com/index.php/bla ... ttery.html

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I was wondering the same, seems like all these sites look like they are still from 1999 :) I might take the plunge this week and order some but im looking for a local dealer first.
Shrimpfarmer said:
ladykate said:
Shrimpy, you started out saying you didn't want goggles but are now leaning towards them. I think I'm in the same boat. Your concerns about them were mine, too. If I decide to go BVR, the goggles might make sense. Let us know what you settle on. I'm considering the Predator Fatshark versions - I've seen them on sale a couple of times and they can accept corrective lenses - and my current antennas fit them...etc...

I am lucky as I fly with a friend who uses a pair of Fatshark Attitude goggles. I have been allowed to try on 2 pairs of goggles and my initial reaction is that I don't like them. I have not yet had the opportunity to tune a pair into my outfit and alter the lenses for my eyes but I am hoping to try it soon. Maybe even today.

The reason I am now considering them is that they suffer no glare problems at all so the picture you get through them is a lot brighter. The reception on the attitudes also seem very very good in comparison to the Black Pearl. Last but not least you don't have to build your sunshade on the monitor or have its weight on your Tx. At times I have flown with my monitor on a tripod and its great to just be able to hold a naked Tx.

If you get to see someone fly with goggles watch how they stand or sit totally still as they fly. Its almost like their brain turns off muscle movement everywhere other than their thumbs. Full FPV flight is of course much easier as you never have to consider that the controls become reversed when you fly nose in.

Downsides are that you cant see who or what is around you and you have to transit to and from the goggles at takeoff and landing. My friend always states how bright the world is when they take the goggles off and for a while they are blinded by the light.
You forgot another upside-people tend to leave you alone!!!
IMHO, the screen on the goggles suck eggs. Just as bad as cupping your hands and staring through your sunshade at your monitor. But, there is no glare-which makes it nice.
And you're right-I sit while I'm flying(w or w/o goggles), and you can concentrate more while using them. iOSD is a must, too.
I use the Base goggles, because I already have a Monitor/receiver. So, what I do is put the Monitor on a tripod, raise it up pretty high, but tilt the monitor down a bit so I can see it-for a backup.
I plug the Base goggles into the monitor-they provide a 3.5? mm plug that goes right in. Use one of your regular Lipo batteries(I have 2 tapped to the legs of my tripod), and point your antenna's wherever, and have fun.

However, when the sun is in your face-I've found the goggles tend to heat up. They are black, you know ;)
Also-they tend to fog up. I use Rain-X anti-fog, and have limited success. When it's "hot", and you put them on your forehead-you introduce just a bit of moisture. Then, when you put them over your eye's, the tend to heat up and fog up....haven't been able to cure that with Rain-X.
And, I suspect when it becomes summertime here(temps get over 50C/120 deg F here), I will not be wearing goggles.

Another solution is to mount your monitor receiver on your remote. Sit in your chair, and when you hunch over(everyone does), you create just enough shade to see your monitor.

My advise is if you going to get Goggles-get the Base ones. They have glass/polarized lenses, about 35 degree's FOV, are light weight, and who wants to wear a receiver with antenna's poking out of it, on their head?? Really-just sounds like too much weight, and you are relying on only those goggles. Trust me-when they fog up(and they will), you will regret not being able to take the off, and look at your monitor screen.

also-do NOT waste your money on the new "HD" goggles......no such thing. We only broadcast in SD. Yea, they're white-cool!!
But save your money.
Those are really useful points to keep in mind. I reckon I can't be bothered with all that so no goggles for me. I think I might throw a dark towel over my head and just look like a twat. :D I never thought about the fogging, thats a real bummer if you have no line of sight to recover. Then it would be time to flick on home lock.
Good point about the Basic. I may still get the Predator because I have a need for another Tx anyway and one comes with the package. I believe you can feed outside video into it anyway.

I have heard of the goggles fogging and getting uncomfortably hot in the sun. Heat shouldn't be a problem here most of the time - especially when I'm flying which is very early or later in the day. - Shrimpy, I doubt your goggles would get hot where you are - it is much milder there than here. I can't imagine the summers in Havasu - it is in the Mojave and you could literally fry eggs on the sidewalk in the summer.
How many of you fly with goggles and no spotter?

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extrememc said:
How many of you fly with goggles and no spotter?

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I do ....sit on bed of truck and fly w goggles plugged into black pearl.... If I need to pull em off I still have visual through the BP....
AlTiTuDe06 said:
extrememc said:
How many of you fly with goggles and no spotter?

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I do ....sit on bed of truck and fly w goggles plugged into black pearl.... If I need to pull em off I still have visual through the BP....

Which goggles you have? I ask because the BP monitor from understand shouldn't require to plug in goggle to receive signal.

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AlTiTuDe06 said:
extrememc said:
How many of you fly with goggles and no spotter?

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I do ....sit on bed of truck and fly w goggles plugged into black pearl.... If I need to pull em off I still have visual through the BP....

Which goggles you have? I ask because the BP monitor from understand shouldn't require to plug in goggle to receive signal.

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Hi, Back to the topic, I figured I would share my setup and distance I did today. Its no record, but its better than I expected!

Phantom 2Z W/ Stock RC
Black Pearl Monitor W/Spironet and Fatshark Patch antenna
ImmersionRC 600mw TX with Spironet

I made it out to 2000 meters, with no complete video loss. It would ocassionally get a little static, but never lost view. No loss when I turned around and headed back either. I stopped at 2000m because Im a wussy, and that was far enough for me. Next time out I might try to go a little further.
If you fly out that far, and you get lazy-just flip Fail-Safe, sit back, and let it fly back. Just like it's on auto-pilot....you can sit there and tilt the camera(Assuming you have a Zen), take your goggles off, or whatever, and just listed for the sound of the Phantom. Then flip off Fail Safe, switch to Attitude, then back to GPS, and land.
It's kind of fun to "sight see" without having to move the controls.

EDIT: Always make sure the correct home point is logged first. And, if you've never tested your fail safe switch, do so when the aircraft is in sight...
tawd77 said:
Hi, Back to the topic, I figured I would share my setup and distance I did today. Its no record, but its better than I expected!

Phantom 2Z W/ Stock RC
Black Pearl Monitor W/Spironet and Fatshark Patch antenna
ImmersionRC 600mw TX with Spironet

I made it out to 2000 meters, with no complete video loss. It would ocassionally get a little static, but never lost view. No loss when I turned around and headed back either. I stopped at 2000m because Im a wussy, and that was far enough for me. Next time out I might try to go a little further.

Sounds good!
Did you notice the BP switching to the Fatshark Patch a lot, or hardly ever?
2trickpony said:
tawd77 said:
Hi, Back to the topic, I figured I would share my setup and distance I did today. Its no record, but its better than I expected!

Phantom 2Z W/ Stock RC
Black Pearl Monitor W/Spironet and Fatshark Patch antenna
ImmersionRC 600mw TX with Spironet

I made it out to 2000 meters, with no complete video loss. It would ocassionally get a little static, but never lost view. No loss when I turned around and headed back either. I stopped at 2000m because Im a wussy, and that was far enough for me. Next time out I might try to go a little further.

Sounds good!
Did you notice the BP switching to the Fatshark Patch a lot, or hardly ever?

I forgot to check which antenna it was using on the way out. On the way back I checked at probably 1800 meters and it was using the patch. I was soo nervous, I forgot to watch to see if it switched back. Next time I will try to keep an eye on it and see which it favors.
tawd77 said:
2trickpony said:
tawd77 said:
Hi, Back to the topic, I figured I would share my setup and distance I did today. Its no record, but its better than I expected!

Phantom 2Z W/ Stock RC
Black Pearl Monitor W/Spironet and Fatshark Patch antenna
ImmersionRC 600mw TX with Spironet

I made it out to 2000 meters, with no complete video loss. It would ocassionally get a little static, but never lost view. No loss when I turned around and headed back either. I stopped at 2000m because Im a wussy, and that was far enough for me. Next time out I might try to go a little further.

Sounds good!
Did you notice the BP switching to the Fatshark Patch a lot, or hardly ever?

I forgot to check which antenna it was using on the way out. On the way back I checked at probably 1800 meters and it was using the patch. I was soo nervous, I forgot to watch to see if it switched back. Next time I will try to keep an eye on it and see which it favors.
Another idea; IF, it hits Fail Safe, just leave it alone(or put it into Fail Safe for the return), and take 1 antenna off, compare video, and see which looks the best.
It will generally fly back at around 10m/sec...so you might want to take control back after swapping antenna's around, just to speed up the return trip.
Switch into Attitude mode eliminates the 25 degree max nose down that GPS mode imposes, and you can really go fast(20m/sec).
tawd77 said:
Hi, Back to the topic, I figured I would share my setup and distance I did today. Its no record, but its better than I expected!
Curious, what channel band are you using?

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Irish, I was on channel 1 band F.

I have yet to try RTH. I suppose I should test it and make sure it works correctly at closer range, so I can hopefully rely on it if I get out of range.
Channel 1 F is 14-5740ghz. It's close to the weakest channel in my experience. I use channel 31, which would be 3 F on your TX, which is 5780Ghz.
Yes, always test RTH first. Also-I always look for the rapidly green flashing lights indicating home lock, and, I compare the distance, height and azimuth on the iOSD to make sure it corresponds to my location. Before hitting fail safe, turn around and look for the little diamond...if its' over your head or near your location, and the distance is correct-flip the switch.

Also, try it at about 10 meters. You should see the aircraft stop, climb, then rotate very smoothly, directly back to the diamond, then nose over to about 10 degree's or so, with no wind-the speed is around 10m/sec. Keep that in mind when you use it. If you have a strong head wind going back, I'd just flip "home lock", then Attitude, pull back on the stick, and it will haul a$$.

I got back from my 1113 meter flight, in under a minute!!! And, I was going backwards. It hit something like 20m/sec. Once I returned, I still had something like 5 minutes of flight time remaining......now what do I do?? LOL
extrememc said:
AlTiTuDe06 said:
extrememc said:
How many of you fly with goggles and no spotter?

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I do ....sit on bed of truck and fly w goggles plugged into black pearl.... If I need to pull em off I still have visual through the BP....

Which goggles you have? I ask because the BP monitor from understand shouldn't require to plug in goggle to receive signal.

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I think ur confused .... I get the signal from the BP for my fatshark dominators...... My dominators do not have a receiver bc I also use them for my penguin which is at 1.3mhz......

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