Practice Crash

Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Guys,
I need your expertise wisdom here,I recently purchased a phantom vision + and was doing some practice. Long story short, clipped some brances in a tree and the drone fell about 15 feet. Everything remained intact, but i noticed a few mins later when i started the motors back up, that one of them the tip of the prop was hitting the drone shell, like i said no body damage etc for a eye stand point, is there any idea why this maybe happening?

N.b i changed a prop as well same thing

Possible causes:

-Bent prop (sounds like you eliminated that already)
-Bent arm
-Bent prop shaft on motor
-Damaged motor mount

Swapping one of the other motors in to that spot would help confirm or eliminate any of the last 3 things on that list.
Put it on a level surface and look at the motor on the arm thats got the problem and see if the end of the arm looks twisted or cocked to the side any. If so its the arm that is bent. If the motor shaft is bent slowly spin the motor by hand and see if it turns straight relitive to which ever way its facing. and see if both ends of the prop are hitting the shell if the motor shaft is bent it should only touch on one side of the prop. More then likely its either the bent arm or the motor came lose and is sitting crooked. If the arm is twisted you can try and slowly bend it back straight and may need to over twist it cause is going to have some flex and want to twist back some. If the motor is just knocked lose You can try and see if the screws are pulled out or lose. If the shaft is bent then you will need a new motor.

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