Phone caller, told me to read this article

May 3, 2015
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Edmonton Alberta
Wow, and ok, as some of you may already know I enjoy flying my Phantom 3 Pro' in the evening.
Yeah, & so I received a phone call last night, suggesting that I read this article...
Like it was me? I doubt it...


I have an alibi... Hahaha
We was~were only on the South-Side of the raging-river all that day and night..
I will tell you all, I didn't buy this Lume Cube Phantom 3 drone kit, for nothing, but her good looks...

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So the height ceiling is set at 300 feet in Canada, and the UAS operator was at a 1,500 feet.. Not good.
I due we know that helicopter was at 1500 feet all seems kinda odd
How do we know? We don't. I wasn't there, it wasn't any of my drones. Infact, getting referred to the Journal article "peeved" me off in a way... Hahaha
I have been flying near our downtown, and in a few local city parks. While Minding my own, & a helicopter has shown up. What can we do, I stay low, and they eventually go.

I was at one of my customers houses say a helicopter swoop down 100 feet off water fly across then go back up if I was a drone flying that helicopter would of crashed into it
That's the point. They see us flying, we were there first, and still they hang around.
Please leave already, buddy. See ya!!
Like you mention, they aren't maintaining their air safe space, at a safe distance for us.


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nope and if they crash into us its are fault
Honestly I don't look for trouble. But heck, It sure finds me. Haha
We should start documenting our own findings. Of aeronautic rules being broken by the superiors themselves. ;-)

yep around the beaches helicopters think they can fly really low by water for the tourist it is a bunch of bull s-it
You bet, they pull those low flight beach stunts when flying a tour group off of Grouse Mountain in Vancouver BC. Seen it many times.

lol "within 32 feet".... you sure it wasn't 31 or 33?
I have a simple but effective rangefinder, for my treestand bowhunting requirements, @distance to game measurements. Pretty sure in this digital world "they" may have an even better system, in the night vision, heads up display.

Display in helmet enhances safety

"A solution intended to help pilots contend with difficult situations is now at hand in the form of a Helmet Mounted Display (HMD). Conventional flight instruments require pilots to constantly switch between looking outside the helicopter and checking the instrument panel; these two functions have been combined in the new display. With the help of the HMD, critical flight guidance information such as altitude, speed, course and attitude are displayed in the pilot's field of view, as is information about obstacles such as electricity pylons. Since it dispenses with the need for the pilot to keep changing focus between the relatively close display panel and the more distant world outside, the HMD also reduces eyestrain, which in turn increases safety."

When dealing with gov., federalise, military, the gendarmes, things are very much differently operated, than our civilian recreational toys. Hahaha




I hate when people try to "police" others and they don't even know what they are doing (just because something seems wrong in their eyes doesn't mean it's wrong). Whoever called you would have "peeved" me off too if they were to call me, and I would have told them to go "f" themselves since I'm not doing anything wrong. They have no business insinuating I'm doing something wrong just because I'm doing something. If that helicopter flew 32 feet from the drone and they were at 1500 feet up in the air then that drone pilot was way out of the limits and doing something wrong. That doesn't mean that me, or in this case you, are doing anything wrong. People nowadays love to accuse others of things because I guess they get this sense of righteousness that makes them feel above everyone else but in truth, people need to stop sticking their noses where they have no business in and just mind their own.
Yeah, I agree with what you feel about this. But upon reflection, she was not meaning it in a condescending manner, hopefully rather just sharing the incident with me. I rarely watch, read or listen to our daily news chatter, so was entirely unaware of this happening down town, until she mentioned it... Just part of a conversation, I like to believe. ;-)
Ah, but you know how gossipy people are... Hahaha

Happened to take the little lady to a dr appointment, so when we were finished, I brought the Phantom 3 Pro out. Hahaha

Gave a full battery flight worth of awesome instruction, insight, personal feelings and even shared the video when I finished. ;-)

Education is the key. Do your part? ;-)

In the middle of it, a lady walking by with her infant son on his trike stopped to listen, ask questions and learn. It was awesome.

Some times people point out things like this because they don't know what they are doing but they know you are interested. It could have been less "yer doing it wrong" and more "look at something that is in your interest group".

Or they could be being a.... errmm.. pooty head.
Yes she's far more helpful to me, than not. I laughed when she called my drone an android. Gee, I never heard that term used for before. ;-)

After the flying lesson, much more is now understood, and far less speculation or guessing. Nomenclature had been corrected.


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