Phantom Vision Model and Version Numbers

I checked and my PVT581 controller does have the external usb port on the lower bottom side......but I then woke up and realized I was just dreaming. lol

Some act like it's no big deal to not have the external usb port, and it may not be for them. These guys should not discourage those that do want it with their controller's. I will be tweaking the settings in my controller and when I do I will no doubt do the mod so I wont have to open it up each time. Along with calibrating the stick's there is also 2 mode options that allow for different stick configuration. And for those to act like there is little to never needing to connect to your controller should go fly their vision more instead of posting in this forum. :lol:
Whatever floats your boat, but if you want to change from mode 2 to mode 1 and don't have any experience of mode 1 you are going to have one heck of a time controlling the thing!

You can either hold out until DJI make one with a USB or you can mod it yourself, whatever you fancy. Our only point is that if you feel you need it because there are going to be a ton of firmware updates you'll need to apply - you won't.

(2.5 hours air time for me over the last 2 days and no usb on my tx ;) )
Pull_Up said:
Whatever floats your boat, but if you want to change from mode 2 to mode 1 and don't have any experience of mode 1 you are going to have one heck of a time controlling the thing!

You can either hold out until DJI make one with a USB or you can mod it yourself, whatever you fancy. Our only point is that if you feel you need it because there are going to be a ton of firmware updates you'll need to apply - you won't.

(2.5 hours air time for me over the last 2 days and no usb on my tx ;) )

Simon I have watched a few of your video's and I do appreciate what you do. But if you didn't talk so much about foolish stuff you might not have 2.5hrs in a simple mod. Also it's no secret you spend the majority of your time on this site posing as the top guru. I have no desire to go back and forth with you. But please understand your arrogance is not welcome with me. Maybe the rainy weather you been having will turn better and you go out and test your new mod's soon?
Hi Frank (I assume? You have me at a disadvantage).

Sorry, but you misunderstood - by airtime I meant flying, you know time in the air. And I haven't put a usb out on my tx, I prefer to fly it.

Thank you for your initial kind words and I absolutely respect your opinion about me and what I say but I can assure you I do not set out to be arrogant nor do I consider myself a guru. However, as perception is reality then it's my fault that you feel that way and I apologise.

My reply to you about modes was meant at face value - it would be like suddenly being given a car with the clutch pedal on the right and the accelerator on the left.

Sorry you feel some of what I talk about is "foolish" - but you know in the dry world of quads there's got to be some room for having a bit of a laugh, surely? Anyway, again I apologise if you think I was coming across as condescending.

Happy flying.
Pull_Up said:
Hi Frank (I assume? You have me at a disadvantage).

Sorry, but you misunderstood - by airtime I meant flying, you know time in the air. And I haven't put a usb out on my tx, I prefer to fly it.

Sorry you feel some of what I talk about is "foolish"
- but you know in the dry world of quads there's got to be some room for having a bit of a laugh, surely? Anyway, again I apologise if you think I was coming across as condescending.

Happy flying.

Hey Simon all is good. I tend to come off in the wrong way with people nearly every other day. I own and admin a rather large website and this is the 1st time in roughly 15yrs I have used a screen name and not my given name. It is also the 1st in as many years that I have gotten involved in something outside my usual domain. Anyway, right now I'm trying to find out which are the best and most effective mods.
I don't really see any USB port when I open the controller....


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Look at the three connectors that have cables in them. It is the one that has no wires.

EDIT: Ah, you beat me by a few minutes.
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