Phantom 4 Pro (available in the DJI store)

Spare a thought for the poor souls in Australia who are salivating at the idea of getting a piece of the action. For the integrated controller, add an extra $500....I am running out of kidneys...


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Oh no....
I want a Mavic for portability when I travel.

But I want the camera on the P4Pro to replace my P3 4k

I'll have to buy both....what should I do
I reckon the Phantom 5 will be the best of both worlds between portability, tech and camera quality. I currently have a P3P and also on the fence whether to upgrade now or wait.

Easy-V, i've always bought my stuff from helipal and asked them nicely to set customs cost at $700, much cheaper than going direct tho you lose warranty.
If you get integrated screen, does that mean you cannot use 3rd party app like Litchi?
My understanding is the integrated controller is an Android device so you would be able to download and use Litchi. But until somebody tries and repost back...

NoCo Drones
Latest word from DJI_Ken on the DJI forums is that installing 3rd party apps is not possible right now and is unknown if will ever be (officially) possible (or allowed). For DJI a big part of including that tablet is control of the hardware and software running on it. They may decide that 3rd party apps can only bring instability.
I asked earlier but no response; does the P4P obstacle avoidance see power lines yet?

Sent from my SM-N910V using PhantomPilots mobile app
Unfortunately the P4P is not available by itself. They also claim the P4 remote is not compatible with the P4P although they did say it still operates on 2.4g. Not sure why it's not compatible.
It is available by itself. B&H sells it as a replacement aircraft. Still won't help, if the P3P and P4 remotes are truly incompatible.
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Equivalent viewing angle to a 24mm on 35mm so DOF should be pretty good to start with.
At f8 or f11 it will be good but for aerial work that's not a big deal anyway.
It obviates the need for ND filters with a 4 stop aperture range.
Just chatted with PolarPro and they're getting started on a set of filters for the Pro
Unnecessary. You have 4 stop exposure control now with the adjustable aperture! That's ND4, ND8, and ND16 built-in and adjustable in flight!
If you meant a PL and a GND filter, you'll still need those.
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The naming of the FPV stream system is related to the HMD DJI Goggles, Ocu = eye, sync = refresh rate. The Mavic's proper Fly more bundle is meant to be launched with the DJI HMD Goggles. The mavic was also marketed as a 'sports' drone. For those that don't know, the Mavic has the same sensor as the p4 with a different lens. The mavic camera has piss-poor 1080p@60/96FPS for aerial footage to accommodate for the FPV stream to goggles. The mavic's camera does pixel binning to assist the goggles for frame rates and low latency.

This is why the P4Pro doesn't see the need for Occustink. The P4Pro is all about professional photo quality. It wouldn't want to sacrifice pixel binning just to support some silly goggles.
I have read elsewhere that the Mavic has the same size sensor as the P4, but not the same sensor.
Really tough call. I just got the Mavic. Two important factors I haven't heard anyone talk about in the hype.
1. Low Light - The lens on the P4pro is 2/3rds of a stop slower than the mavic (2.8 vs 2.2) the sensor size should give a 1 stop advantage effectively making the difference closer to 1/3rd of a stop in low light. Not sure why anyone else isn’t mentioning that.
2. Portrait mode - Doesn’t shoot in portrait mode. Seems trivial but this may be a non-starter for me now. Stitching vertical panos is a game changer and offsets the resolution advantage for me.
3. Size and weight - (1400 vs 700g).
For video this is a no brainer with visual tracking system and compression rate H265 and 4K60P is a huge advantage.
For stills, not sure if it’s worth the switch though.
I agree with many others, would love the new camera and tech in the mavic form factor, it just feels like a much cleaner and modern design.
ISO 12,800 for stills v. ISO 1,600 for stills on the P4, and ISO 6,400 for video v. iSO 3,200 on the P4 for video. Those changes alone are significant.
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I think the big plus on the integrated screen is they say it's ultra bright and readable in bright sunlight. I've tried many devices in bright sunlight and they're all pretty useless. I'm wondering if this one lives up to the claims. If it does, then I'm all in...

Lower resolution screens are inherently brighter in sunlight. The integrated screen only needs up to 1080p resolution. Apple Retina displays are great for viewing, but lousy in sunlight because of their high resolution. The Mavic controller's built-in display also has a very low screen resolution to offer a clear view in sunlight.
You'll need a device with GPS in order to use the Follow Me flight mode or to be able to reset the home point to your location after takeoff. If you don't need to use those features, then you don't need a device with GPS.
External BT GPS devices will also provide those features on a Wifi only iPad.

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