Phantom 4 advices

Sep 17, 2018
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Hey people, my first post on this app. I just bought a P4 Advanced, and i was wondering; any “veteran” tips, trick or advices that could make me a better pilot? Anything you say I will be grateful. Something that is not written in the books, self experience advices. Anything.
And also; how come i fly my phantom 1km away and it is already starting to lose signal or disconnect? How to improve my range so i can use the maximum of my drone?
First I'd try the parabolic antenna reflectors, Waverunners, I think. About $12 on Amazon. They nearly doubled my signal in the clear on my P4. I don't fly without them now. Now you have to keep the antennas pointed towards the drone at distance but they are the cheapest upgrade you can do IMO.

Good luck,
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Good initial advice might be that you concentrate more on learning how to operate the P4 in close before trying to fly 1km or more away from you. Make sure you get an appreciation of how the different flight modes work and make sure you understand RTH.
Good initial advice might be that you concentrate more on learning how to operate the P4 in close before trying to fly 1km or more away from you. Make sure you get an appreciation of how the different flight modes work and make sure you understand RTH.

What are all the things that I should know about RTH?
What are all the things that I should know about RTH?
Basically ensure that your RTH height is sufficient to clear the tallest obstacles in your flying area. I usually add 10mtrs so that if I lose control signal or initiate RTH, I know that it will come back in one piece and not smack a tree or building on the return trip. In my case if I lose control signal I have selected RTH and not hover or land as an option as I fly in heavily trees areas and not interested in hiking through a forest to find my drone.
There is also low battery RTH in the event that the battery calculates that it only has enough juice to make it back. Many turn this feature off in the app, but in your case, leave it turned on until you are more comfortable with pushing the limits.
Always be aware of what the flying conditions are..if there is any wind about try flying upwind or if flying with the wind take in account your phantom will take longer to return and hence using more battery.
Congratulations, Will now have a clear understanding about the word adrenaline Lol. What worked for me wants to watch about 15 hours with YouTube videos. And to be clear I only watch the videos on how to operate the drone, nothing to do with taking photos or video recording that came later. Getting used to return to home and how it works is a must You will be called to use it end it will prepare you to be comfortable when you lose your connection and comes home automatically Good luck
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