Phantom 3 pro 1.2 miles

Oct 21, 2015
Reaction score
Why when fly the Phantom it says weak rc signal
And video lags although I didn't go 1000 m
And it supposed to go 2000
Why and solution please
On the video lag, perhaps try formatting the micro-sd opposed to cutting or deleting them after moving to your PC or Mac.

I had glitches and lags in my video. Formatting (through the GO app) seemed to resolve it.
that's like asking someone why your car is getting 20mpg when it's supposed to get up to 30mpg. how about a little more detail?
I wondered the same thing the first few flights then realized it was the antennae positioning. I had them all cockeyed all over the place trying to get a better signal. Once I left them alone, parallel to each other all the time, my signal improved drastically.

I consistently get well over a mile before any signal loss blips occur since realizing that positioning is everything.
I wondered the same thing the first few flights then realized it was the antennae positioning. I had them all cockeyed all over the place trying to get a better signal. Once I left them alone, parallel to each other all the time, my signal improved drastically.

I consistently get well over a mile before any signal loss blips occur since realizing that positioning is everything.
For others who are perhaps still in your shoes, Who are still a little unsure or confused about best radio controller antennae practice. . .
Hopefully they can learn the easy way. As the hard lessons can get rather expensive. Cost prohibitive in other words. ;-)


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