Phantom 2 just got and I'm so lost. Motors wont start


Apr 13, 2014
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Please help! I just got my Phantom2 in the mail yesterday and the first flight went off without a problem. Here is my issues; I cannot plug the phantom 2 into my PC and have it sync up with assistance software so I do not know what my futaba has been preset at. I took off yesterday without any issues. This morning I tried to do an advanced calibration and it ran for 20 mins with no sign of completion or anything so I powered down the unit.

I then went outside and tried to start her up.. powered on no problem, got my flashing green for being ready. I then tried to start the motors and nothing. I freaked out and took it to hobbytown USA where the guy didn't have a clue. So I took a nap all sad that I broke my phantom on the 2nd day, woke up powered her on and it started no problem. I messed with some Futaba switches and played around blindly ( since I cannot see what each switch does, and yes I know this is very stupid) Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions on how to get the phantom to link to my pc? Like I said I really need some help any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!!!
Did you download the DRIVER, as well as PC assistant?
The DRIVER, enables the PC to communicate with your

Let us know, thanks!
Got to power up the bird while it's hooked up
I thought everything was installed properly including driver but when I get home I'll reinstall cause I think that was my issue due to it not finding it at all. What's weird though is hobbytown computer didn't locate it either.
Okay so that was definitely my issue. Guess the driver wasn't fully installed. My next question is when I get into the assistance software it definitely shows my controller movements but I don't exactly see where I can adjust all my controller buttons to what I'd like them to be. I will screen shot some of the pages if anyone can redirect me. Again thank you for the help.. Super noob here !
I believe,
You have to enter ( NAZA-M ) mode, to change toggle settings!
Once you hook to PC ASSISTANT software, you'll see ( Phantom )
At top of screen, click it to enter ( NAZA-M ) mode! Just click through the
Warnings! Here you can personalize your controls ( toggles ) ect!

Hope this helps!
Are you using the stock controller or something else? You mention Futaba in an earlier post.
If you want to change functions on a Futaba transmitter then you do that within the transmitter's interface.

Naza-M mode as described above will enable you to check some things such as enable IOC on a switch or change how the flight mode toggles work, but if you want to change which switches do what functions then you need to learn to program the Futaba transmitter that you have (assuming you have one).
That was my thought too, where did "Futaba" come from.

The manual is online and it should be read first as it has a wealth of good info.

J Dot said:
I believe,
You have to enter ( NAZA-M ) mode, to change toggle settings!
Once you hook to PC ASSISTANT software, you'll see ( Phantom )
At top of screen, click it to enter ( NAZA-M ) mode! Just click through the
Warnings! Here you can personalize your controls ( toggles ) ect!

Hope this helps!

Can I be a party pooper and suggest you DO read the warnings? Bearing in mind you seem to have bought some sort of advanced dealer-built kit with a programmable Futaba controller you could get into a world of hurt and allocate Manual mode onto a controller channel you think is something else, for example.

I think you need to back track a bit and read the manual for your Futaba transmitter, then the manual for the Phantom. There really shouldn't be too much of a need to change your control allocations on a basic Phantom setup in my opinion. I'd keep things in stock Phantom mode and I'd learn to fly the thing first and get used to how the Futaba operates. Once you have the basics down then you can look at some of the more advanced settings on your controller. I've never run with anything but the stock controllers on the P2 and Vision and they are non-programmable and non-assignable and they do the job just fine with the standard settings, so I would leave your rig as it was sold to you until you've got more insight into what it can and can't do.

Sorry if I've got the wrong end of the stick - when you say "Futuaba" do you really mean you've bought a Phantom with a Futaba transmitter and receiver fitted by someone? If you're just using "Futaba" as a generic word for the white DJI transmitter then ignore the above bit about the Futaba, but please don't ignore the bit about reading the manual and learning to fly in stock mode until you have a bit more of an idea of what you want to change and why.
Pull_Up said:
There really shouldn't be too much of a need to change your control allocations on a basic Phantom setup in my opinion. I'd keep things in stock Phantom mode and I'd learn to fly the thing first and get used to how the Futaba operates. Once you have the basics down then you can look at some of the more advanced settings on your controller. I've never run with anything but the stock controllers on the P2 and Vision and they are non-programmable and non-assignable and they do the job just fine with the standard settings, so I would leave your rig as it was sold to you until you've got more insight into what it can and can't do.

+1 to this. I see people around here all the time recommending new pilots jump right into Naza mode and imo especially for newer pilots I think Phantom mode is the best. Naza mode there's so much that can go wrong with the RC toggle switches in different positions...

btw in Phantom mode you CAN set the right toggle switch to manually trigger and disable Failsafe (return to home) via the Phantom Assistant software. By default both up and down on the right toggle are "normal fly" but you can set the down position to be Failsafe. toggling back up re-gains manual control. I use this feature all the time to have the Phantom fly back overhead and descend until I want to re-gain control. sometimes if I'm 150-200+ meters in the air just descending manually can be a bit boring
I think your spellcheck might have grabbed you as your post said "here is my issues." Darn spellcheck!

I crashed my F450 by doing exactly what you have done, which is to try to fly without knowing what everything does. Don't make the same mistake I did. Take the time to learn how to set things up and know what everything does. It's hard to put off the enjoyment of flying but I believe you'll enjoy it more when you feel confident you fully understand everything. :)

FRS said:
Please help! I just got my Phantom2 in the mail yesterday and the first flight went off without a problem. Here is my issues; I cannot plug the phantom 2 into my PC and have it sync up with assistance software so I do not know what my futaba has been preset at. I took off yesterday without any issues. This morning I tried to do an advanced calibration and it ran for 20 mins with no sign of completion or anything so I powered down the unit.

I then went outside and tried to start her up.. powered on no problem, got my flashing green for being ready. I then tried to start the motors and nothing. I freaked out and took it to hobbytown USA where the guy didn't have a clue. So I took a nap all sad that I broke my phantom on the 2nd day, woke up powered her on and it started no problem. I messed with some Futaba switches and played around blindly ( since I cannot see what each switch does, and yes I know this is very stupid) Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions on how to get the phantom to link to my pc? Like I said I really need some help any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!!!
Oh I already crashed.. I got the motors to start and sent it up and didn't make it very far. The gimbal came off but that's a different story. I'm flying with a futaba and my issue is I can't tell what mode I'm in. Even with fpv it always says atti. I'm so upset and frustrated. Im definitely going to start taking it really slow and stop rushing things. Thanks for yalls input
Whoever programmed your radio should have either labelled it or given you information about the switches are assigned. In my opinion you should fly in GPS mode to start if you don't have some flying experience.

FRS said:
Oh I already crashed.. I got the motors to start and sent it up and didn't make it very far. The gimbal came off but that's a different story. I'm flying with a futaba and my issue is I can't tell what mode I'm in. Even with fpv it always says atti. I'm so upset and frustrated. Im definitely going to start taking it really slow and stop rushing things. Thanks for yalls input
Yeah if I could go back in time I'd ask for them to label the remote. I did the next best thing and ask for a diagram but didn't here anything today. I'm done flying till I know 100%. Good news my gimbal is fine after that crash. Maybe slightly bent.. think I can save it if it is ? I haven't pulled any video yet but it looks a hairline off

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