Phantom 2+Flight Controller

Nov 30, 2014
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I have an extra Phantom 2+ controller, 4 ESC's and 4 920KV motors (upgraded my Phantom 2+) and a Phantom 2+ GPS module. I would like to utilize these parts to build a hexacopter, i.e. F550.
Is this possible, of course buying 2 more ESC's and motors ? (and whatever else is necessary)
I don't believe you can use the dedicated Phantom Naza FC with more than 4 motors.

Also you'd have to use the smart batteries (or at least the 'smart' portion of it) for sure.
I don't believe you can use the dedicated Phantom Naza FC with more than 4 motors.

Also you'd have to use the smart batteries (or at least the 'smart' portion of it) for sure.

The naza in them does seem to be its own speshial one as far as every thing but the firmware in it. and I'm not sure either if it will work 6 motors even tho it does seem to have 6 spots m1-m6 to plug 2 extra motors in to. and the board the main board seems to be what requires the smarty battery to allow the naza to work.

its a real crap shoot if you could get that naza to work with 6 motors and if you could maybe use a different board to be able to get around the smart batty thing. Tho there may be a way to flash the firm ware in the naza to trick it in to thinking its a regular naza-m v2 I know people there is a way to take a regular naza lite and erase the firmware and then install the new naza-m v2 firmware on to it and turn it in to a fully functional naza m. It might be possible to do it on one of the nazas from a p2 but I dont think any ones tried yet.

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