People dont think.

Dec 12, 2017
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I laugh when someone buys something off ebay and pays double or more for the item then pays $52 dollars for shipping for an item that could be put in one of the $8 flat fee postal boxes.
When I was buying Harley motorcycle parts off of eBay, I had a Harley catalog at my side.
If the person wanted more than the price of new, I let them keep it.
My theory is that if I'm going to pay 3/4 price of a used item, I will buy the item new instead.
I am finding this out when people are going to spend $380 on a Nvitia tablet (which I want for my P3P) that costs $200 new and under warranty.
I guess money doesn't mean that much to some people.
OK. I vented. Now back to ebay.
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I don't know what Nvidia was thinking when they discontinued the shield. Last I read they were focusing their work into processors to build self driving vehicles. I woulda bought 10 of them had I known. I paid $200 each for the initial two I bought. They are probly the best tablet for running dji/Litchi. Then I saw they got discontinued when I was going to buy more of them. One or two sellers had the nerve to list them at over $1,000. I found one for $225 and snatched it up pronto.
I laugh when someone buys something off ebay and pays double or more for the item then pays $52 dollars for shipping for an item that could be put in one of the $8 flat fee postal boxes.
When I was buying Harley motorcycle parts off of eBay, I had a Harley catalog at my side.
If the person wanted more than the price of new, I let them keep it.
My theory is that if I'm going to pay 3/4 price of a used item, I will buy the item new instead.
I am finding this out when people are going to spend $380 on a Nvitia tablet (which I want for my P3P) that costs $200 new and under warranty.
I guess money doesn't mean that much to some people.
OK. I vented. Now back to ebay.

I was looking at canned corn one time and couldn't believe it but they had a can of corn for $400+ i read the whole page over out of disbelief and everything said for 1 can not 1 truck load lol
Prices are driven by demand on most things, especially if they are no longer made, such as the NVidia K1, you get what the person is willing to pay.
But buyer beware is always a good idea. Shipping is something I always look at when ordering, where the item is located is a big deal to me too. I will pay a bit more for something if the place is in the same state as me, just because of shipping.
When I sold my old Custom Shovelhead, the demand was down for old school choppers, so the buyer got to name the price, oh well.;)

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