Jan 27, 2017
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I am new to the p4p and I know you have to tap to focus, but do I only have to do this when I first start to record video or is it something I have to do constantly? I just cant seem to get my videos to come out as clear as I see others while I'm in 4k/60.
To be safe you can simply touch on a distant area (the green box shows you the area being focused on) and set focus to infinity right before or after takeoff, and then you will probably be OK for the rest of the flight (the P4P has autofocus but the camera is so wide-angle it's not likely to focus closer than infinity unless you get really close to something.) If concerned you can also turn autofocus off and set manual focus at infinity. If you have done this and are still having sharpness problems in full sunlight then you might want to check that you are not running at a very small (physically, or large numerically) aperture setting as some have reported that the lens can lose some sharpness at f11. You can do this by setting aperture priority to a lower setting, or better yet use an ND filter for more complete control.

Lastly, if the problem is only with 4K/60 note that you will lose some resolution at that setting as the P4P seems to drop lines at 4K/60 fps. It's a matter of debate whether that has to do with codec bandwidth limitations or something else, but while the loss of sharpness isn't dramatic it can be noticeable. I really only see it under test conditions or when pixel-peeping at magnification, but just fyi.
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I am a complete amateur when it comes to photography and video, but I'm trying to learn. on the video settings on my app are there some in the middle settings that I can use to get me decent pictures and video? I don't need them to be perfect but if I can get close and be proud of something to show my friends and family that would make me happy. Thank you for all who chimes in this and helps me
I am a complete amateur when it comes to photography and video, but I'm trying to learn.
In that case I'd start off leaving everything on automatic and get used to flying, composition, and other basic skills first (if you don't know what you're doing it's as easy to make things worse with manual settings as better.) Once you feel more confident there are many resources and tutorials on the subject (YouTube has about a lifetime's worth of lessons alone.) Watch what others have done and emulate that (they are usually happy to share their settings and techniques.) Learning is a big part of the fun of anything.
OK, Sorry to ask so many questions, but when I try and do post using Adobe Premier Elements, the video before I start doesn't look to bad but as soo as I do any color correction it seems to get a slight blur to the video and I have not been able to figure that out. The changes I'm making are so small I just don't understand why after the color changes the video seems to look out of focus. Ive been watching videos and reading till my eyes bleed lol. I'm not one to ask for help but with the money I forked out for this thing I want to at least make a decent video

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