One of my first video editing attempts

May 13, 2017
Reaction score
O'Fallon, Missouri
Pretty basic, but Hey! I'm learning!

First flight over water (the Mississippi no less) is always harrowing! If she goes in the drink, next stop: Gulf of Mexico...

Video of the Clark (Alton) Bridge, and surrounding area which were horrendously flooded in the massive 1993 midwest flood disaster. The very beginning of my wife being backlit by the sun was a "Godsend." Not planned, just happened! I love it!

The bridge is a little dark as the sun was to the backside of it.

The flyby back to the launch location has some great color. It's amazing what a difference in sun angle and camera/aircraft position does. Still gotta learn more about various filters, which I do have but not too smart on.

At the very end, just prior to landing.... you will see a black Dodge Charger pulling into our location. This was a St. Charles County Police officer in an unmarked car, moonlighting for the Corps. of Engineers... which is who's property we were shooting from, although it is open to the public.

He was very polite (is a drone owner himself), but said we couldn't fly there because (1) proximity to the Alton Bridge (2) Proximity of the Melvin Price Lock and Dam (you can see a bit of it in the video on return from the bridge), and (3) this being a bird sanctuary.

I could have debated his statement on 1 and 2, but 3 I understood.

No point in making an issue, and we were pretty much done for the afternoon anyway.

By the way, I know some drone users don't like the propeller guards showing in videos.

I guess it kind of depends on what you want.

I like them from time to time, as it gives "perspective." Sort of like looking at an airplane wing when you're on a Southwest flight.

I know use of prop guards is a big debate.

They are also known to reduce charged battery life, and enhance wind effects for obvious reasons.

Mine just snap off, and I might be trying some flights without them soon....

Critiques and tips appreciated!
Apologies for what I am about to say but I hope it helps.

If you watch tv, generally clips are no longer than 5 or 10 seconds generally. There are longer ones but only to make a video interesting where the circumstances are necessary. Your total vid was 9 minutes odd and could have been condensed down to 50 - 190 seconds or thereabouts. I'll bet if you showed your vid to family, they would suggest the same.

Captions would have been a welcome addition relating to when the bridge was built etc.

The video is swinging from side to side continuously and needless panning right to left. It made me slightly disorientated. This could have been edited out.

You are right about the prop guards. They will shorten duration and removing them will make a cleaner vid.

Not bad in places for a first attempt but instead of posting it raw, learn to edit it before you post.

Have a look at this made by another member of the forum.

Dundas Aqueduct near Bath by drone - YouTube

I bet he edited a good 80% out. His use of captions double the interest in a video.

One of mine was :-

Flying Scotsman Ludlow air/ground & facts - YouTube

I shot over one and a half hours worth of video with the ground and air shots in three separate occasions and it all condensed down to what - 40 seconds. If I made a raw video of that even I would have been bored. Such is the life in editing.

Another difficult thing after editing is knowing when to stop. Steep learning curve on that.

As I said above, watch Tv and learn from them about editing techniques. You can pick up a lot of ideas.

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No apologies needed my Friend...

I asked for the feedback! :)

Almost everything you mentioned I knew in the back of my mind (excessive panning, clip length, etc).

But your mention of it brings it even more to my attention.

Right now, I'm just working on the most basic of editing basics! Lol!

Lucky to even get music added!

I used Windows Movie Maker, but have Adobe Elements 15.... haven't taken it out if the box yet.

I'm lightyears from your examples, but maybe someday! :D
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I'm light years from your examples, but maybe someday! :D

I hope I didn't discourage you, but you appear to have the get up and go many people lack.

No, not light years - maybe a couple of months if you work at it. It will get your brain spinning and probably staying up till 1 am. :)

If you post on U-Tube, there is royalty free music on there you can use too without being warned of copyright infringements. Very handy that is.
Thanks... you're very kind!

This is my desktop computer. It's about seven years old... has the quad core processor. Do you think it's up to video editing tasks?

HP Pavilion p6774y Magnesium Gray Edition Desktop PC Product Specifications | HP® Customer Support

Some of the processing seems to take quite awhile on Movie Maker and You Tube upload, but I don't know any different.

Like I said, I'm just learning Movie Maker, and don't know if my PC will handle Elements 15.

By the way, I'm almost scared to find the learning curve of Elements.

After all the expenses of my new P3A, new Air Pad 2, six batts, and a ton of accessories... a new PC would be pretty rough right now...

Thanks for the help!
By the way, I'm almost scared to find the learning curve of Elements.

Thanks for the help!

Listen, you were like that when you first flew your Phantom - weren't you?? You managed though. Just the same as learning elements.Go for it.:);)

The best advice I can give you regarding your computer is - Suck it and see. Its hard to say whether it will work quickly or not.

Right then. You have until the 3rd. of November to post an edited version of your 9 minute video and don't think I will forget. No excuses - just do it :p:D:rolleyes:

Good luck

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