NFZ during RTH question

Jan 3, 2016
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Hey All
P3 Advanced here.

I am interested, if i am flying near NFZ, and i fly around it, to get behind the NFZ and i lose a signal or initiate RTH. The phantom will obviously RTH on the straight line? Which means it will decide to fly through the NFZ.
Which means it will start landing when it approaches NFZ? Is that correct?

Thanks in advance.
Hey All
P3 Advanced here.

I am interested, if i am flying near NFZ, and i fly around it, to get behind the NFZ and i lose a signal or initiate RTH. The phantom will obviously RTH on the straight line? Which means it will decide to fly through the NFZ.
Which means it will start landing when it approaches NFZ? Is that correct?

Thanks in advance.
Having done a search here with keywords 'NFZ RTH land' I'm afraid I'm none the wiser as to whether it would just bounce off the NFZ or land - but for no real reason, my money would probably be on it landing...

An interesting question though and opinion seems to be divided on it. However, I shan't be trying it myself 1) because there's an absolute dearth of NFZ's where I live (Aren't I so lucky? :)) and 2) because, IMHO, it's probably not a good thing to do, although, in theory, there's little risk involved - the drone will be stopped from entering the NFZ one way or another.

But please can you let us all know what happens if you do give it a try? :D
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I usually am the one who tests theories / questions - but this one I will not !!

I would be very surprised if the P3 would be able to RTH through the NFZ ... so would expect a landing out scenario .....

Don't forget also that the radius of the NFZ would be effectively doubled if you flew to other side and then did RTH ... that's quite a distance ... because to get to other side - that means flying round the perimeter ...

RTH works fine in the Restricted Fly Zone which surrounds the central NFZ ... but ...

I usually am the one who tests theories / questions - but this one I will not !!

I would be very surprised if the P3 would be able to RTH through the NFZ ... so would expect a landing out scenario .....

Don't forget also that the radius of the NFZ would be effectively doubled if you flew to other side and then did RTH ... that's quite a distance ... because to get to other side - that means flying round the perimeter ...

RTH works fine in the Restricted Fly Zone which surrounds the central NFZ ... but ...

I don't understand where this phrase comes from .. "Restricted Fly Zone"... I've seen you use it in at least one other post. Could you expound on this? Thanks
What else can you call the outer radius area that surrounds the actual NFZ ... you surely have watched the videos I uploaded ....

My house sits bang inside the area that restricts altitude but not general flight ... as I get closer to the actual NFZ - my AC loses altitude regardless of what I do ...

Basically there are two zones ... the outer zone and the NFZ ... in fact even DJI use the words RESTRICTED in the displayed box ....

Watch again ... if you have a better name for it - then be my guest ...

Okay. So it's a name you made up. I was just curious. With the capitalization, I thought it was something official from DJI.

I haven't watched any of your vids, sorry.

Did you know the DC area is called a "Flight Restricted Zone" by the FAA?

Why not call it something that is closer to what DJI calls it such as a "Warning Zone?"

DJI - The World Leader in Camera Drones/Quadcopters for Aerial Photography
Well .... go watch the video - I know they are boring and not exactly Spielberg quality - but at least it would be reasonable to do so before arguing the point ? .... and you will see DJI use the term RESTRICTED ... and its where I got it from ...

as you see here ...... a clip from the video ....

I'm sure I can read word RESTRICTED in there .....

In the vid you provided, DJI uses "Restricted Zone" for red zones. See the Geo Zone map in the link I provided above.
Not everyone flies in the Fly-Safe designated areas as you linked to. Many areas of the world - mine is one of them - have not implemented the FS Zone system. We still have the two shades of RED zones on our maps and the FW embedded actions that result. Regardless of my having 1.11.20 FW and 3.1.23 GO - the GPS location still determines which programmed zoning rules will apply.

There are TWO red zones used here and I chose to differentiate them based on the flight limitations they impose.

The translucent Red zone that my house sits in allows me to fly literally as I want - but with an ever decreasing altitude - which in any language is a restricted form - as I approach the hard red zone .... which depicts the No Fly Zone. So there you are - a two zone system ... restricted altitude flying and No Fly Zone ...

Just a comment :

It is often the case - and I am guilty of it at times - we equate based on our own observations / rules / FW embedded limitations etc.
Mark is wrongly applying Fly Safe to areas such as mine that have not and so far have not agreed to implement Fly Safe. At present it is not compatible with Rules over here. (I'm a member of LARPAS who are active in RC rule implementation here).
I have similarly ignored the fact that Latvia is still using the old two Red zone system as that complies with Rules here, and forgot about Fly Safe designations. So my posts have been correct but only where Fly Safe is not in use.

Case closed ...


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